Konsperase Antar Waelayah - Conspiracy between Territory,
da Lakoe Praeseden/Wakel, Pardhana Maentare/Wakel, Dawan/Sanat, Partae Paolatek. - The Conduct of the President / Vice Prime Minister / Deputy, Council / Senate, the political party.
Greeting Prosperous,
We also require a check of money laundering, gold, diamonds, weapons, ammunition and combat equipment on the Government (Crime), because of the great relationship with terrorists.
Check on the Pentagon, looking through Google Map, certainly the highest viewing angle becomes the lowest bearing inverted star (Zatan Signs). Most likely in cooperation with the Vatican (Marked with the Cross which is the sacrifice).
As Region (State), Leader, (Superpower) do not think of weird to want to blame the other. Your own mastermind all events and want to blame the other region.
As the People of the World, not only solidarity should strive for. Which should strive for is to find and prosecute the Head Terrorist in the World.
Very, very funny, as Region (State) said Superpower (England, France, China, United Stated and Russia).
Terorris floating around which the entire region of the World, the Head of Terorris never found. (Coarse game).
I was not in government, but have evidence of involvement of leaders England, France, China, United Stated and Russia, People lose the same period Commoners Superpower.
Terrorists have grown large in because government has been infiltrated by terrorists, ranging from low to officials and even the President of the Council members.
Let's unite to uncover and prosecute those who are at the head of government and conduct terrorist activities in various regions of the world.
Those who died from terrorists, how to get a of Peace, if the First actors (Head terrorists) are not captured. Those who carry out only a Hand-Foot, not the first actor.
We need a Head of Terrorist, not feet Hands. That can safely World, Peace, Prosperity.
What happens is, the Head Terrorist became President / Deputy Minister and served in the government so difficult to reach (United Stated, England, Russia, China, France and head of Terrorist NKRI (Indonesiaan Area)).
Second Page,
Photo First da tampatkan to close Closeted place (Allah / Tuhan)
And the proven fact that the current government (traitors (ZKP) Joko Idodo / Jusuf Kala) not mapu show,
- Deed panderean Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea
- Basic Oendang Oendang 17 Aoegoetoes 1945 (The original copy)
- Script Pantjasyla Asle Salenan).
Are they right government, the fact there happens to Renvelle agreement that they dare not open.
Did you know that:
People's Court that on Conduct in the Netherlands are open to convict is (Government traitors) President (ZKP) Joko Widodo / Jusuf Kalla (Ex. President (excluding Leader Gusdur)), the Minister, the Assembly (the Parliament had aborted Law), of Case:
- Bulk Sexual Abuse, Trafficking inter Region (State).
- The betrayal of the People (State), including the creation of the Homeland Fake History (Region Indonesia).
- Murder largest in the history of 60 million residents of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian Territory) along Betrayal 1945-2015
- Corruption greatest betrayal 1945 - 2015
- Laundering Money, Gold, Diamonds biggest betrayal 1945 - 2015
- Sale of Weapons, Nuclear, Missile, Bomb, Combat Equipment, Illegal world.
- Terrorist International variety Region (State, especially the Middle East and Europe Ukraine and Yugoslaia), training of terrorists in the Middle East, Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian Territory) and the bomb that exploded in different Region (State), resulting in a prolonged war in the Middle East. (Terrorist No. 1 in the World),
- Printing / Money Circulation second largest after the United Stated which resulted Inflation variety Region (State)
- Engage Conspiracy variety Region (State) which resulted in the Exchange Rate Inflation Another area so large
- The Forest Fire. (By air throw Avtur and burn through the ground in kordinasikan).
This is all there were 10 cases (Supplement 1) that in sidangkan in People with extra convicted of various countries is the Leader of the Region (Country):
- United Stated (Barrack Obama and Client)
- England (David Cameron along with Client)
- France (Hollande and their Client)
- China (Xi Jinping along with Client)
- Russia (Putin along with Client)
- Flag of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian territory which is the original flag of Singapore (Kutai Kartanagara))
What should you do?
Change the flag you like in the Homeland (Region Indonesia) Papua into Singapore flag (red and white with the Sun Logo and 5 Stars who interpret provide lights in the People without insularity very clearly appropriate Pancasila)
I "Mark Mamangkey Tjost" guarantee that anyone change their flag became the flag traitors First (Singapore) no catch, if there is a catch then they will be in the Fire of the job as the State Apparatus.
All state-owned assets instantly Singapore (Motherland), clearly recorded along with Acceptance, use.
That stated President / Vice / MPR / DPR (traitors) had no legitimacy in the Government, please read in the link:
Media as well as the Government is concerned, which would open a dialogue with me and my students and NGOs are broadcast directly without any edits. (Fear of shame, look Zundal Sex in the People's butt).
Mark Mamangkey this Tjosthari
Category: Public Complaints
The betrayal of the People will be undertaken with a variety of evidence on the web www.tjoaputra.wordpress.com why not arrest them. Legally letter stating they no legitimacy because it was unable to answer should have been checked by police. Are the Police were Stools of Government Zundal Sex Butt that has been rubbed in your face all so it does not have the ability to check out.
Regarding the police have often proved Wipe face with Government Dirt Zundal Sex Butt so did not dare catch Officials Corruption (and various crimes in the Administration) that served as the President, DPR / MPR down. (Catching criminals is the head first and accomplice).
* On inspection in priority issues of sexual harassment (especially minors), and other crimes so that they are not prolonged trauma.
Page Three
The world today is full of hypocrisy, especially in those who do not want to check out the dough and lay out to the public.
Hope for the reader, watch, through TV, Electronic and Internet and examining it carefully. (Media news made many changes that are not comparable, support Crime).
Evidence regarding the financial area too should be examined openly, including an account that served as the President, Senators and the apparatuses. (Especially those who love the Super Power of war) and many personal accounts under false names.
Page Four,
Origins of the word "Tuhan / Allah", from where?
Scientifically, the word "Tuhan / Allah" is not from Indonesian, origin of the Hebrew written in the book "The Bible and the Quran".
Scientifically I've found the Indonesian right, namely "Sewer" (In English, Indonesiaan "Tempat Jambangan") or the English language is "Sewer"
Hope we use Indonesian well and called it "Sewer" (In English, Indonesiaan "Tempat Jambangan")
After that, the Origin "Tuhan, Allah" is true "Halla and Nahut" which is Ibliz, Azhura and Zatan.
And what about the "NataL that if the play becomes ZataN", with the word AmagA (AgamA) in Hebrew means impeach "The Almighty".
No wonder in the call "furry wolf Sheep" (seen Angel turns Azhura, Ibliz, Zatan) for Pope and leaders of the People (Pastor / Priest), which does not recognize the mistake in the Public Media TV directly.
Conspiracies is Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal and Islamic aimed at undermining various regions with various lies and commit terrorist acts. "
Check on the Pentagon, looking through Google Map, certainly the highest viewing angle becomes the lowest bearing inverted star (Zatan mark). Most likely in cooperation with the Vatican (Marked with the Cross which is the sacrifice).
Do you really pray for those affected. Due to the fact the Vatican is full of Lies to terrorist financing.
Lies not bring goodness, lies certainly brings suffering.
In the past you always listen to the plea of your people, if you do not have a guilty plea in what you have done wrong. (no courtesy as the leader of the Doctrine Good, Well, correctly according to Morality)
Because in life, the higher the rank in society more and more mistakes, increasingly have Shame that all errors have never been in Acknowledge (Amoral).
When is He (the Pope) will be open, honest, transparent, accountable for leading the way clean. (Thumbs down). He brought Name Azhura-Ibliz-Zatan with the so-called * Tuhan / Allah ",
Please explain the origin of the Bible? Plainly tell whether the Bible is Truth or Lies (Justification). (Bible very much Lie with a story that is not true).
Then tell me about the Crusades were in Fight by Napoleon (Napoleon fight the Crusades) because a lot of killing, destroying the Temple of The Almighty.
Page Five
Communist (Doctrine and individuals and government)
Is the purpose of the Communists?
Communists are clearly visible Crime Law.
What evil are in the Communist elements?
Crimes that included elements,
- Lie,
- Coercion,
- Rape,
- Theft,
- Violence,
- Forgery,
- Terrorist.
How can assess the Communists or not?
How to assess the Communists is easy, namely:
- Net nothing to dirt or closure.
- Must be clear and have the evidence.
- Be honest in saying and answered.
- Open in answering all the questions and can prove.
- To take responsibility for all the answers
- Transparent
Being able to answer all questions (in Scientific) with the above criteria and have the evidence then make sure that was not a Communist, who did not respond and were unable to show evidence or escape from the obvious question of 100% Communists.
Many who shouted communist reality they were Communists, by various criteria above we can see who is a communist and who is Democratic.
Hope readers can judge correctly and is useful for assessing individual and Doctrine.
Page Six
Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan)
Peace begins with Work of the Government should be with the system,
"Pancasila" the Basic / guidelines / Order of Life as World Citizens by road,
1. Clean
Clean means to clean from all defilement on Government
2. Honest
Honest in their daily lives on the Government. (Truth, Law, Love, Virtue).
3. Open
Open to all questions and give the right answer in relating to the Government.
4. Responsible Answers
Are responsible for all the behavior, actions, words in live the life of the Government.
5. Transparent.
Transparent to the Government without any closure / hide.
By regarding these things can clearly see / find the cause and the Head of the Crime.
Organized crime and terrorism is a crime should not directly allege that they (Syria) are doing.
The subject would need evidence, real evidence in plain sight on Money Laundering in Government "United Stated, England, Prenacis, Russia, China and The Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia (Indonesia Region) have not been opened in general.
These problems not only in the laundering of money, gold, diamonds and through weapons and combat equipment. Naturally paraded on international terrorist involving Local Government and Regional another.
Let us unite all world citizens hold accountable those on Government concerning:
- Print (Make) Money,
- Flow Exit entry account
- Revenues and Expenditures Government openness
I (Mark Mamangkey Tjost) guarantee in some time (1 month) will all look who the mastermind of the terrorists across the world and in command by whom.
Page Seven
Please read the article below, hoping to open a further insight in the examination. Is the Government doing various crimes traitors in government or not.
Several other articles please search on the web through searchnya.
Sentencing the defendant, in the Eyes of the Law
Rule a country, the Communists - Liberal
Culture of Corruption, Money Laundering and Control
Clean, Good "Government"
Page Eight,
Flag Crime / Communist / Pambarontak / Sables / Satan / Terores / Place FE (Allah / Tuhan)
And the fact that the Government proved today (traitors (ZKP) Barack Obama and before the Cabinet) is not able to show,
- Act panderean United Stated- Oendang Oendang Basic Aoegoetoes 17, 1945 (The Isle linen)
- The Pantjasyla Asle linen).
Are they really the government, there is the fact that the agreement on Renvelle that they do not dare to go.
Communist (Doctrine and individuals and government)
Is the purpose of the Communists?
Communists are clearly visible Crime Law.
What evil are in the Communist elements?
Crimes that included elements,
- Lie,
- Coercion,
- Rape,
- Theft,
- Violence,
- Forgery,
- Terrorist. (The point is about the detrimental creature).
How can assess the Communists or not?
How to assess the Communists is easy, namely:
- Net nothing to dirt or closure.
- Must be clear and have the evidence.
- Be honest in saying and answered.
- Open in answering all the questions and can prove.
- To take responsibility for all the answers
- Transparent
Being able to answer all questions (in Scientific) with the above criteria and have the evidence then make sure that was not a Communist, who did not respond and were unable to show evidence or escape from the obvious question of 100% Communists.
Many who shouted communist reality they were Communists, by various criteria above we can see who is a communist and who is Democratic.
Hope readers can judge correctly and is useful for assessing individual and Doctrine.

Page Nine
overnment (Region). All is Israel, No Palestine Area. (Under Law).
Palestinian (Arab Area) territories has become a region which is recognized by Israel as a place where its people is entitled to a decent living (Eligible interpreted the welfare of its people through Security, Economics, Education for Welfare and happiness together, including neighboring region).
Regarding the above, including the terms of a region formed because people want security, Economics, Education for Welfare and happiness together, including the neighboring region.
Aside from the subject is in need?
Pancasila, namely:
1. Clean
2. Honest
3. Open
4. Responsible Answers
5. Transparent
Then add 3 Jewel of Life so as to provide a sense of security to all without distinction, namely:
- 6. Provide security and crack down on crime everywhere.
- 7. Obey the Law Eternal "Do not harm the creatures, giving freedom".
- 8. Building for Happiness and Prosperity together without distinction evenly.
From the above subject, whether people know the Palestinian (Arab Area) territories? If you do not know then it should know, because without knowing the subject will never be able to provide security, Happiness and Prosperity for the People's territory.
Government in the Palestinian (Arab Area) territories can not provide security, Happiness and Prosperity for the People's territory, including in the neighboring area because of Rocket and terrorists continues in the neighboring area.
With this incident, the Palestinian Territories is under Peace Nation by the forces of Peace Keeper which underscored by NATO for the Union Middle East.
Let us look at the history, Israel or the Palestinians (Arab Area) who have land in these places? Residents of Palestinean (Arab Area) whether the original inhabitants of the area in Israel?
To my knowledge not a native Palestinian (Arab Area) who is currently the territory of Israel. The region is the Israeli and start fighting over at the time of Independence Israel recognized and recorded in the Netherlands.
Then those who profess to his native Palestinians (Arab Area) from where? They all believe in Allah and the God of Israel from time immemorial (thousands of years ago) believe the Almighty.
After a look back at the history of where Jesus was crucified the Bible-the story that the Jews who crucified is the great deception, because Jesus Crucify in Rome by his students traitors, not in Jericho (Israel).
Bilbel clear of the subject and the Quran do a great deception that would have to see who makes the Bible and Quran.
I personally even stated that the Cross is a sign of Komuniz already impeach Jesus by deception in Doctrine they say love.
The subject can be proved with Pancasila and 3 Jewel of Life with questions.
War continues over time in an area that is recognized belonged to her it was not.
The fact is happening in Israel-Palestine is in teaching children about 10 years old - 15 years to use the rockets. At the time of the firing of rockets and in reply by air attack turns out they are minors, who teaches the subject? Mastermind should be arrested and prosecuted for teaching the war with irresponsible.
In addition to the subject was also revealed where there guarding them by making prisoners on a rocket firing, by making prisoners and if was hit by air strikes with the reasons young children and women were subjected to air strikes.
Is it appropriate for these matters occur, it is already a very heinous war crimes. (unforgivable).
The fact that the House of Worship, the School became a storage area and bomb rockets, guns and ammunition.
Not defend, but to see the truth that occurred in Israel by the crimes committed by the recognition as citizens of Palestine in Israeli territory which was not the original came from there.
They are migrants from various regions were collected into a terror for Israelis, and it was not just Israel that is the case, already creeping up in different region in the world that is done in an organized manner.
Why is it organized?
- The war will result in the loss of family, and the young where? They can be recruited by irresponsible then made as to instill terror forces in their hatred against others who had not choose any of them. (early example was the Nazi who killed hundreds of millions of both Jews or not)
- Corruption in Government for Group / Personal / Company resulting financial collapse in the Local Government do Conspiracy on Political Parties as well as entrepreneurs and conspiracy among Governments in other regions.
The subject is clear because it does not conform with the rules is based,
1. Clean
2. Honest
3. Open
4. Be responsible
5. Transparent
Remember the "Deal Politics is undertaken by the parties, in the know clearly by the People with an explanation, Clean, Honest, open, accountable, transparent." The answer is no.
Useless to Parties in Government, Government still can democracy without political parties.
- Laundering Money, Gold, Diamonds that occurred in various wilaya anywhere in the world. Evidenced by the Financial Colapsnya Indonesia, United Stated, EURO. Colaps they can not pay their own currency on other regions (the subject of an organized set).
- Inflation, Inflation play so that they lose their jobs, what will happen after that. Of course they have to live, to live they have to work, there was a displacement out of their territory.
With the above regarding how to hide the decay / their crimes? Must necessarily create terror and war so that there is no attention to their crimes.
As the World People let us unite capture any crime they are sitting in government (President, King, Duke, Board Member, Senate), and prosecute people, open to all electronic channels, TV and Print.
actions terrorize / hurt / harm you have not changed will be Arrested, can not be captured will be destroyed.
Page Ten
sorry interfere with my writing, (recognize signs in the chest Buddhism in NAZI image inverted " 卍 " ).
Statue not Siddharta / Siddhatta / Gotam / Gautama / Gotama / Gotami. (Amitabha is the Parent of Siddharta and the truth is Buddhist)
Are you sure that Siddharta / Siddharta, Gautama / Gotama /Gotam the Buddhist.
Buddha said the truth is, not directly in trust with the "News, Books, Reading, Listening and Viewing it should be with Evidence and various questions submitted". (before the name of Buddhist World named Faithless World).
At birth immediately named Buddha and instantly be able to walk in the Spirit World, not in the World of the Living.
Are you sure that the sign is a sign inverted Nazi " 卍 " is virtue, not a sign of Evil?
The signs are in use by Azhura as a symbol Azhura about 30,000 years ago. (The tent Introduced by Siddharta / Siddharta, Gautama / Gotama / Gotam " 卍 " ).
Sam Poo Kong and Siddharta / Siddharta, Gautama / Gotama / Gotam is a unity that is damaging the World Spirit and Life (Azhura will never be in World Life in spirit form, as in the case of crimes must be arrested by law to undergo punishment).
Siddharta / Siddhatta, Gautama / Gotama / Gotam / Amitabha , never together Goddess Kwan Im and Goddess Cloaked Blue. Which together Goddess Kwan Im and Goddess Cloaked Blue is Buddha Tong.

Page Eleven
- The black color already indicates the Dark, is always in the dark.
- The question why the Kaaba should be closed and should not be seen writing on Stone?
- Why is not the equal rights of the Muslims as well as Christians can?
- Where are the origins of Allah or Tuhan. (Please explained why there can be said of Allah / Tuhan, in the Scientific, following the evidence)
- Where are the origins of Al-Quran?
- How is the lie that is written in the Koran and the Bible?
- Who is responsible for the deployment of all lies on Muslims and Christians?
In my opinion, they are responsible for any deployment lies in Quran and the Bible is a Whore (Palatjoer) ZKP crime of Goveferment Hatta and Soeharto across the World today.
* Nb. Who actually Muhammad that should be responsible for all the lies that has resulted in the emergence of terrorists, riots between ethnic and assorted crimes.
* Not only Muhammad, even as I'm concerned turned out to Allah, Tuhan and all who write in the Bible / Quran is creature (Human) described as the good spirits.
* Another matter, they do not believe Reikarnasi, why believe the Spirit. Then if the Spirit they just sat waiting for Doomsday. When was the end of the world? Doomsday is about Bullshit, as Doomsday means the destruction of the universe, not the World, where the subject means the cessation of heartbeat time.
Chain / Strap on Life
Life at the beginning because of causality (Universal Law), is not a creation that mean that there is created (such as humans to create a car, a motorcycle or a table, chairs).
With the subject line above it, proved to have a relationship that can be said as the chain / rope between one another. Tersebutlah relationship became Scientific Evolution or included in the Theory of Evolution.
Subject chain / rope in the call will be a causal relationship (Universal Law) will always be on two sides even more. The two sides or more can cause serious breakdowns Relations / Chain / Such.
One example,
As humans, we are faced choose "detrimental beings" or "do not harm the creatures". Adverse creature is definitely dealing with the law, does not harm the creatures, of Law no effect to ourselves for not harm the creatures. (Law occurs because there are disadvantaged parties, the subject to be the answer that Karma is Offenders then called the Law of Karma (the law of Offenders) and none in called Good Karma (where there is a good perpetrators)).
Evident from the subject to the Law of the terputuslah Relations / chain / rope Crime in life as individuals. (The perpetrators must be in search Head crime so that they can provide for the People's Welfare and Happiness. Headless crime then percama catch Leg-hand).
Hope can be a Wise Thoughts on every creature to cut Relations / chain / rope Crime of yourself with the recognition that every crime can be minimized in prison (by the Law of the turn towards the Right in Morality).

Page Twelve
Palatjoer (Whore)
What exactly is the definition of a slut? Prostitutes are sold himself in Harun is now without thinking of him, or in other words seeking Earning an income of about unscrupulous employment (not a husband to have sex with and receive rewards).
Regarding the above in the known widespread understanding by almost all creatures (especially humans).
I personally say they are not prostitutes, they are human (beings) who make a living (day / night), one direction, due to the circumstances of the actual Whore. We have already become regulations Pamarentah (government) that prostitution is a criminal prohibition and on.
Then if the understanding of the actual whore? Understanding prostitutes who exactly were those who like harming beings (especially men) to keep welfare, stealing, opening the opportunity, to lie, cheat many of whom became Officials Region (President / Prime Minister downwards) did closure on Pamarentahan (Government), which is in question and would not answer. Including those who became Pope in the Vatican, Bishop / Uztad, priest / pastor in various Welayah. It is they who preach about and Muslims and Christians can not be responsible for everything they do lie.
Including Yesoes tarnish that have meaning beautiful name of "Tjenta Kaseh" and crucified last call " ISA " in Hebrew which means a man whore. Is it appropriate for them to change their name and disfigure Yesoes by changing the name at will.
It is clear that prostitutes are those who carry lies to deceive, to sell the lie to the other being, then blame other creatures because they want to believe, and did not want to take responsibility for his actions, even sell himself fearlessly to violence, intimidation, hurt, in being opposed to they (prostitutes).
By law, they are already making tool for her beheading, where they decapitate himself with such a device.
* For those who do not accept, please prepare a TV debate live without edits and please you answered all my questions with evidence so that the world knows, who is lying, whether the lie to be on leave? By law, all who preach the lies have to face the law.

Page Thirteen
The Pope, Bishop, Pastor, Reverend, Uztad, Zundal who do not know themselves, do Cruelty moment actually made as a warning that it should not.
Marekalah steal the Book Yasos (Jesus, the Old Asle advance Yasser Arafat of Palestine, has become Israel, Whole) and then make the Bible / Quran and alter it with all of Lies.
Regarding the proven Law.
They (Muslimim, Nashraniah) hide,
- Definition of "Yang Maha Koeasa" of the Society,
- Memaksulkan "Yang Maha Koeasa" so that people do not know.
- Making himself as Allah / Tuhan and introduced to the People as the Maha everything.
- Always accusing "Yang Maha Koeasa" unable to help beings through Crime (Adverse Creatures).
- Eliminate the name "Yang Maha Koeasa of Doctrine Boeddhae / Hynddhoe and bring Boeddhae / Hynddhoe False namely Siddharta.
- Make People restless bombs, terrorists and various other crimes (inflation, money laundering, etc.).
- Make Do'ah mention the Name of Allah / Tuhan is not in "Yang Maha Koeasa", so the first they heard, not help, instead gave torment, misery, suffering increasingly severe Life in World.
- Biang Riots / commotion / Disaster everywhere.
To improve the situation in the People's lying, then the need is,
- Leader of crime (President / Vice / Former Prime Minister, Pope, King, (Saondal Hokker Penis-vagina and ass "Allah, Tuhan, Muhammad, etc.") as person in charge of All Evil) comes creeping out of the way to the front of my house,
- Prepare chicken manure, pig to eat them,
- Prepare for the rotten eggs they broke over their heads,
This issue does not assist the Head of Evil Spirit, People's Spirit has not, at least be able to save them from destruction of the Spirit.
* Please check with the intent of "Eid al-Adha / Fitri / Christmas", beginning already lies the notion of "Eid al-Adha / Fitri / Christmas" is definitely not true in Hebrew and Arabic.
* The loss of the Spirit will greatly affect the health, sorry Doctors do not "much / can" help.
* Extinction Spirit will never go back into a creature.
* Without these matters are sorry Mark Mamangkey Tjost unable to help, suffer / suffering / not just 1-2 beings, there is a trillion The creature did not receive. (Not just human beings, even animals, plants, inanimate objects, etc.)
* Of People returned to the People (the subject to not differentiate from one another).
Already Destroyed Spirit (Raoha) it is,
- Uztad,
- Pope, Bishops, Cardinals
- Pastor,
- Pastor (Pastor Sam Poo Kong, or stream)
- Officials Sam Poo Kong (from scratch).
- etc.
People saelahkan sandaere Maleh.
Ask accountability on Tampat Closeted (Allah / Tuhan) Brother.
* Subject is willingness Beings (all creatures already disadvantaged brothers). You start, you end by becoming Disaster own brother did to many creatures, or become the Savior and ask Sorry the creature, has been designated by all the creature where Sauadara disadvantaged (photo can be replaced, and the only one beginning and end) in Media Live TV broadcasts without edits, and their conditions. (Poo Chicken, Pig, Rotten Eggs, Raw Meat / animal corpses (Black Rat) Damaged / Rot / wormy).
* Do not forget the Pledge on Offenders already done, ask a leader, whether they are in the Pledge "Yang Maha Koeasa".
Not capable, committed his future People's Lament, broadcast by Press TV (for Jump, forward Mark Mamangkey Jost) Offenders until slightly reduced.
* Do not forget the deeds / thoughts of you (The Hokker) More corrupt / rotten manure and carcasses of those.
* As long as the subject does not implement the "Makhloek" in the show, no peace of Outer Space. About the Consequences of a World Morality (Baome Naste / Nista Earth / Planet Nista) has fallen apart, not helped full Hypocrisy, Lies, Lies.
* What do people want edging itself to be Raoha? (Must have an admission of guilt). The time is past / passed never to return.
* Note, Hebrew and Arabic (New Hebrew) every word well then it must be implemented so bad, and the bad must be carried Subject worse / worse, that's Original Hebrew or English Ebles / Devil / Demon. (Will not even think of Virtue and apologize on their own creature (Offenders) disadvantaged).

Page Fourteen,
Proven Corrupt Government legalize Communist Doctrine (Lie / Fraud), not in accordance with Pantjasayla Garoedha. Must be at eradicated from Nagara Kasatoean Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NKRA).
Ask accountability him for mnyebarkan / legalized the Communist Doctrine (Lie / Fraud).

Page Fiveteen,
Proving that read, their leader Damage from the devil / Satan without heed for the People by closing all the news Truth, for fear of crime is revealed (Conspiracy from Hatta to develop Soekarno Tjoapoetra Fake President, do not forget Proclaimers never wants (never / do not want to) Apparatus Country Kasatoean Repoeblek be Endonesea, Country Kasatoean Raepoeblek Andhonesea).
Soekarno follow the teachings Boeddhae / Hynddhoe (Garoedha), has never been a Muslim / Christians.
MUSLIM / Nashraniah, is MUSLIM / Christians, is very different from Pantjasayla Garoedha as Country Policy Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea / Country Kasatoean Raepoeblek Andhonesea, because MUSLIM / Full Christians and based on the Book of Lies Qur'an / Bible that can not be accounted, namely :
- The substance and truth.
- Does not have an Equal Right creature,
- Kotor,
- Fraud,
- Closed,
- Irresponsible,
- Dark.
Palatjoer Mondal Kalamen ass Joko Widodo / Jusuf Kalla and all involved of all evil in the Rebel Government Ashoera / demon / devil / Satan.
Communist rule only lead to misery, suffering, endless on People. Is that what people choose? Fate fate in the hands of each, not in the hands of the authorities and "the Almighty".
Which can change is the People.

Page Sixteen,
Chicken, Life, Right,
Today, I am meeting the pups Chicken in tienggal Parent sick and almost died. My initial tampet in the near Parent, still not considered equal Parent Child Chicken, Chicken and children only then another.
With the subject line is not considered the same mains, I grab it and put it in the house. Give lights until he (Chicks) back sound Coar. , , Coar. , , Coar. Ouch, so noisy tonight, whoever can sleep. Hope with others can understand and do not taste alone. , , there would be angry at what?
From about tonight, can give life support to the Chicks and hope that tomorrow is received at Hen.
Another lesson, Lie has been remarkable in the Life, all was silent. There is no protest about Lie until they actually join the scatter because no protest, what you mind on the events of Lies has extensive development? Indirectly, you've made / sold Sin same as they have spread hoaxes.
Remember in Life, "Never Harm creature, Give Freedom (Jangan Raoge Makhloek, Bare Babas)", you do not want disadvantaged, do not ever harm the creature.
Page Seventeen
Peace Nation Not follow AIIB or EURO Currency, we walk a long with World Bank and America Latin Dollar (colour). 100 Dollar United Stated included/until ( 500,- , 1,000.- , 5,000.- , 10,000.- , 100,000.- , 1,000,000.- , 2,000,000,- , 5.000.000,- , and 1,000,000,000.- all/pcs), 100 dollar United Stated with no color, it can not exchange. Oher Value in Dollar United Staed n > $100.- is absurd.
Peace Nation with Latin Amerika, India, Russia, China, Japang, Middle-East, Europa, Canada, Australia diff with AIIB. Use Palea Currency.
Page EightTeen
Additional few Photo Currency, Etc.
Copied back, news of Link,
Haengat dalam Kahayedoepan, "Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas", Saodara tadak maohe da raoge, janga parna raoge Makhloek.
Thaorsday (Samak), Sapta 01, 2016, 05.50
Tjaontry Ane Raepoeblek Andhonesea ,
(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea (NKRE) / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))
Pananggong Jawab
Mark Mamangkey Tjost
Tjoaputra Mark Tjoapoetra
Mark Tjoapoetra
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe "Pancasila" masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words "Agama/Allah/Tuhan", Relied "The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede". (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in "tuhan or Allah (Sewer)", which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World's biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.
If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):
This message covers several global topics of discussion and advocacy, but getting across these statements is crucial in order to facilitate their understanding. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to put into words such ideas and this often is due to language differences. I would recommend the same to anyone who battles with his spoken or written communication skills; one could consider hiring someone to take my online English Communication Class or consult some of the best online tutors in the same field.