Baejaksanay dalam Anaylesa
Da Warta Kambaley, Sabar, Agost 31, 2016, 07.00,
Da Warta Kambaley, Agost 26, 2016, 13.05,
Da ambel daere Laynk ,
Baejaksanay dalam anaylesa, bayak batja, baoka wawasan labeh Laoas
Sagala haros dasar Kabanaran Sowae Kabajekan haengga Sajahterae dayan Bahageya aykan tjapa.
Pantjasayla Garoedha (Boedhhae/Hynddhoe), Hokom Langa Wajab Lakoe Sadar Daere Tjara Moral.
Bayak kata otjap Rahasea Langet, Lahat ka Langet apaka Saodara Lahat, Baoka jawoh Saodara pandang, Aytoe adala mampoe Saodara, sowae jawoh mampo pandang langet.
Danga Parehal tjoantoh jalas bahwa Langet tadak maoye aeday Rahaseya.
Raopa haomong kaosong bahwa aeday Rahaseya Langet, parlo da tanya adala apaka mampo daere saodara tjaokoep antok lahat Langet.
Saelahe Saodara Baendeng danga Pantjasyla Garoedha (Boeddhae/Hynddhoe).
Antha ” Pantjasayla Garoeda ”
1. Barsa, (Tagak Banar, Maoral)
2. Jojor (Kabanaran, Hokom, Tjayanta Kasah, Kabajekan, Taoloes Hatea),
3. Baoka, (Tangkal sayegala Letjek)
4. Tanggong Jawab
5. Transparan (Jarna).
1. Barsa, (Tagak Banar, Maoral)
2. Jojor (Kabanaran, Hokom, Tjayanta Kasah, Kabajekan, Taoloes Hatea),
3. Baoka, (Tangkal sayegala Letjek)
4. Tanggong Jawab
5. Transparan (Jarna).
Porses Saodara pandang Langet.
Artey Pantjasayla Garoedha (Boeddhae/Hynddhoe), saelahe batja da,
Pantjasayla Garoedha (Boeddhae/Hynddhoe), sabagae Taory Banar (Taory Kabanaran), saelahe batja da,
An Aenglash,
Thoughtful analysis, many read, go deeper insights Size
Everything should be basic proofing Ssesuai Virtue, until Prosperous and Happy will accomplish.
Pantjasayla Garoedha (Boedhhae / Hynddhoe), Sky Law Must, Life Conscious Self Way Moral.
Many said said Secret Sky, Sky View if you See, Go away you view, It is capable brother, suitably far able to view the sky.
By Subject instance is clear that Sky do not want any Confidential.
Such nonsense that no Secret Sky, need to ask is, is capable of yourself enough to see the sky?
Please Civil Appeal with Pantjasyla Garoedha (Boeddhae / Hynddhoe, Sky Law Must, Life Conscious Self Way Moral).
Core “Pantjasayla Garoeda”
1. Clean, (Upright True, Moral)
2. Honest (Truth, Law, Love, Virtue, Sincere Hearts),
3. Open, (amulet all Sly)
4. Responsibility
5. Transparent (Clear).
1. Clean, (Upright True, Moral)
2. Honest (Truth, Law, Love, Virtue, Sincere Hearts),
3. Open, (amulet all Sly)
4. Responsibility
5. Transparent (Clear).
Exactly Brother sky view.
Meaning Pantjasayla Garoedha (Boeddhae / Hynddhoe), please read on,
Pantjasayla Garoedha (Boeddhae / Hynddhoe), as Taory Banar (Taory Kabanaran), please read on,

Greeteng Prosperoes (Salam Sajahtera),
Sayat Kacel sodah da adjar pakae bajoe, janga/laran tjore, tadak saksa, barsa, jojor, baoka, sopan sonta dalam katay dayan parelakoe, tanggong jawab dayan transparan dalam kahayedoepan. Samoa parehal wajab lakoe/raopa Pantjasyla Garoedha (Boeddhae/Hynddhoe) adjar Hokom Langa Wajab Lakoe Sadar Daere tjara Moral.
Bayak darey daere kaeta anggap bahwa sayae talah laoloes SMA, Anafharsetasy, ataoe sodah mapan dalam oseya hayengga tadak parlo baladjar. Parehal da lakoe raopa pandangan Salah, da karena kahayedoepan raopa areya baladjar sampe saodara tadak mampo antok balajar da alam kahayedoepan.
Saetalah baladjar da alam kahayedoepan apaka tadak parlo baladjar? Paste tatap aykan baladjar karana sayet da kahayedoepan kaeta talah paleh jalan kaeta yaeto “Naraka” ataoe “Narfhana”. Kanapa da katakan sodah paleh, karana sayat taenggal alam kahayedoepan kaeta aykan aydel daere kaeta aytas lakoe/bowat kaeta padae Makhloek layen da katea ka manae saodara aykan laonjot jalan saodara. Lakoe roege makhloek paste “Naraka”, Tadak raoge Makhloek paste “Narfhana”.
Da Naraka, Saodara baladjar raoge/seksa daere saodara saeparte Saodara lakoe padae Mahkloek sayet hayedoep da Alam Kahayedoepan (labeh sedes bayak kaley lepat da bandeng saodara lakoe padae Makhloek layen) dayen paday sayat akher panghokoman tangkat Raoha saodara toron jawoh da baendeng sayet jadey manoesea da alam kahayedoepan. (dapat mosnah, laher saebagae baenatang olang-alang ataoe Makhloek layen antah aepay, dayan antok jadey manoesea paste sagat solet).
Da Narfhana, Saodara baladjar labeh bayak taentang parehal parlo da taengkat haengga dapat labeh hasal da Alam Kahayedoepan lanjoet, lahat danga taengkat Raoha saodara saetjara Sparaytoal mampo tagak Kabanaran sowae Kabajekan (Kabanaran Sowae Kabajekan).
Bayak maraka rasae dahoeloe tadak parna raekarnase, ataoe lolos dare Hokom, saelahhe jalan palah saodara (Mosnah, Naraka), naseb takder aeday da tagae Makhloek, bokan da makhloek layen ataoe da atoer “Yang Maha Koeasa”.
Tahoe daere, tanto tadak lakoe parehal maloe antok langgar Moral.
Tahoe maloe, tanto tahoe daere antok manta mapaf pada Makhloek sadah saodara Raoge.
Tadak tahoe Maloe, tanto tadak manta mapaf padae Makhloek sadah saodara raoge dayan anggap daere saodara saebagae Rajae, Bansawan, Pangeran, Praesadan ataoe aparator, patot Hokom Matey, ataoe da aseng ka polao, saelahhe atoer daere aykan batah saodara da areya aseng.
Hokom matey adala danga tjara penggal kepala saodara danga allat, da lakoe saodara daewe, taeda maoye penggal saodara antok bowat kotor tangan kamey hayedoep saebagae manoesea tahoe moral. (Ataoe Saodara banoh daere labeh bagos, antah danga tjara aepay).
Manoesea tadak tahoe maloe, tadak aykan jarae dayan aykan taros lakoe Olang-Alang. Darey parehal, jalas kajahatan haros da bowat maloe dapan Oemom hayengga tadak jadey parehal samae da harey dapan. (bokte saetjara Psaykologe/Ayelmeah).
* Harapan Paolesea tangkap makhloek lakoe kajahatan, janga parna totop wajah maraka hayengga maraka maloe da dapan madea.
* Taeda da nama, manta Maaf laloe/lawat SMS, tanpa jalas aykan salah/raoge talah da lakoe. Parehal sabot tadak masok dalam Moral (Taolos).
Embarrassed (Maloe)
Small moment has been taught to wear, do not steal, do not torture, clean, honest, open, polite in saying and behavior, responsible and transparent in life. All these matters are Pantjasyla Garoeda (Boeddha / Hynddhoe) who teaches Conscious Self In Morality.
Many of us who think that I have graduated high school, university, or already well established in age so it does not need to learn. Subject is a view of One, in because life is a learning place until you are not able to study the nature of life.
After studying in nature life does not need to learn? Would still be studied because in life we ??have chosen our path is “Naraka” or “Narfhana”. Why say’ve chosen, because upon leaving the nature of our lives will judge us on our actions on other creature was said to Which will you continue your journey. Adverse creatures definitely “Naraka”, not harm creatures definitely “Narfhana”.
In Naraka, you learn harm / torture yourself, as you did on the creature while living in World (more sadistic many-fold compared sisters doing the other being) and at the time of the final judgment of the level of spirit you dropped considerably in comparison sat being human in the nature of life. (Can be destroyed, to be born as an animal repetitive or other creature of some sort, and to become humans must be very difficult).
In Narfhana, you learn more about the issue that needs to be improved so that it can be more successful in the next life Alam, look at the level of spirit you are able to enforce proofing Spiritual according Virtue (Kabanaran Sasoeae Kabajekan).
Many of those who felt previously never reikarnasi, or escaped punishment, please live your choices (Destroyed, Naraka), the fate of destiny is in the hands of his own creature and not in another creature or set The Almighty.
Know yourself, certainly not about embarrassing conduct that violates morality.
Shameless, would know themselves to apologize to the creature that has been disadvantaged brothers.
Do not know Embarrassed, certainly will not apologize to the creature that has been disadvantaged brothers and sisters think of myself as the King, Duke, Prince, the President or the apparatus it is appropriate that the Death Penalty, or exiled to the island, please set your own needs the brother-in-exile.
The death penalty is by decapitating you with the tools, which is done by his own brother, no one wants to chop you to get your hands dirty our lives as human beings who know moral. (Or Brother suicide nicer somehow).
Humans do not know shame, will not be a deterrent and will continue to do it repeatedly. So from these matters, the crime must be publicly humiliated so it does not happen the same subject at a later date. (Proven Psychologist / Scientific).
* Hope Police arrest criminals, never cover their faces so that they are embarrassed in front of the media.
* Nothing called, ask Sorry via SMS, without clarity fault / harm has been done. Subject is not included in morality (Sincere).
Thoesday, Apr 28, 2016, 17.05
The Oenetary of State The Repoeblek of Endonesea ,
(Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))
Mark Mamangkey Tjost
Law, According Pantjasyla Garoeda. (Kembalay ke bentoek lampaoe, bentoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan di pakay)
Law, According Pantjasyla Garoeda. (Kembalay ke bentoek lampaoe, bentoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan di pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almighty/Yang Maha Kuasa/Thien/Anna/TAO/Yahudi”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almighty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World’s biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.
If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):
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