Friday 9 September 2016

Jahwahae – (Jaewa) - Bowat/Lakoe Banar

An Palea,

Palea - Endonesea - Jalan Rawas Dhalapan

Jahwahae – (Jaewa) - Bowat/Lakoe Banar

Aotak – (Foker) - Lahat/Pandang/Wawasan Banar
Bhadanna – (Tabah) - Foker Banar
Bhatenna – (Batan) - Otjap Banar
Jahwahae – (Jaewa) - Bawot Banar

Jaewa, bagaihe dayann apaka talah banar aykan Jaewa. Apaka daere kaeta ponya Jaewa? Marey kaeta tjary arteyn banar.

Saetjara Toles Jaewa raopa darey safat daery daewe, makhloek layen. Parehal Jaewa dapat da bokte dagak lahat lapar, tadak sakolah, kajam talah jadey, Bohong talah lamae, apaka daere kaeta ponya aykan raosa bahwa parehal tadak banar haros da ongkap.

Saodara anggap pele makae satjara tadak langsong saodara tadak ponya Jaewa, raopa darey,
- Aotak,
- Tabah,
- Ayendera, Baeta, Maeta, Daeta, Raosa, (samoa da sabot Sarafaya),
- Jaewa,
- Hatae,
- Nalar,
- Roasa, Anaylesa (baendeng paday foker banto anaylesa aykan Kabanaran laloe taendak).
- Raoha, (Dapat abada, dapat maosnah, akabat - sabab, Hokom Alam, Law of Life).

Parehal aeney raopa salah satoe darey Jalan Rawas Dhalapan da kanal dalam Ajaran Garoedha (Boeddha/Hynddhoe), paday jaman dahoeloe, antok baehasay Palea adalah,
- Aotak 1. Pandang Banar
- Bhadanne 2. Fokr Banar
- Baten 3. Otjap Banar
- Jahwahae 4. Bowat/Lakoe Banar
- Hatea 5. Hayedoep Banar
- Nalar 6. Osaha Banar
- Patea 7. Attansay Banar
- Raoha 8. Kaonsantrase Banar

Sagak bahageya maraka talah laher saebagae manoesea, labeh bayak gaonakan otak (dalam baehasay Palea sayae Tolesk Aotak karana Aotak adala Bersa darey kotor/nayah jahat, Otak da artey sodah tadak hayengat Asale haengga labih bayak kajahatan maraka lakoe dalam gaona Otak).

Sagak sadeh antok maraka sayat aeney wojod manoesea tadak ponya "Aotak, Bhadanne, Baten, Jahwahae, Hatea, Nalar, Patea, Raoha" , karana kotor panoh dalam daere maraka dayan hanya tahoe raoge Makhloek.

Jahwahae - (Jaewa) - Right Action - Soul

Palea - Endonesea - Eightfold Path

Aotak - Mind - 1. Right View - (Faekeran)
Bhadanna - Body - 2. Right Mind - (Taoeboeh)
Bhatenna - Inner - 3. Right Speech - (Baten)
Jahwahae - Right Action - Soul – (Jaewa)

Soul, how and whether the sebanarnya soul. Do us has a soul? Let us seek to understand the truth.

In writing The soul is a part of nature ourselves, other beings. Subject is evident by looking at the hungry, uneducated, atrocities, lies prolonged, whether self that we have the feeling that the issue does not really have to be revealed.

You consider trivial then indirectly you do not have a soul, which is part of,
- Brain,
- Body,
- Senses, mouth, eyes, ears, feeling, (the whole called Neural),
- Soul,
- Heart,
- Instinc,
- Feelings, analysis (comparison in mind that helps to analyze the truth and then act).
- Spirit or Raoha, (Can be immortal, can be destroyed, as a result of the determining causes).

Subject This is one of the Eightfold Path, which was known in the Doctrine Garoedha (Boeddha / Hynddhoe), in antiquity for Palea language is,
- Aotak 1. Right View
- Bhadanne 2. Right Thought
- Baten 3. Right Speech
- Jahwahae 4. Right Action
- Hatea 5. Right Livelihood
- Nalar (Instinc) 6. Right Effort
- Patea 7. Mindfulness
- Raoha 8. Right Concentration

Very happy they were born as a human being, more use of the brain (in Palea I write Aotak because Aotak is clean of filth, brain means it does not remember Origin His proposal so that more crimes they did in use).

It is sad for those who currently do not have any human form "Aotak, Bhadanne, Baten, Jahwahae, Hatea, Nalar, Patea, Raoha", because the dirtiness full in themselves and only knew harming creatures.

Fraeday (Samak), Satja 09, 2016, 17.45

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA) / Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea (NKRE) / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Tanggong Jawab

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Tjoaputra Mark Tjoapoetra

Mark Tjoapoetra

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World’s biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):

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