Solam Garoerdhaya,
Lakoa Tagak Banar Adalah Wajab. (Do Stand-Up Banar is Mandatory)
(Barea Babas, Brana Bowat Banar, Basak Bawaa Bajak) Give Free Brave Do Banar, Fondation Do Work
Moral = Hokom = Banar (Tagah Parmata, Padae Hokom adalah Taembangan), Moral, = Law = Banar (Three Jewel, in Law is Scale)
For incoming Government Agencies on core categories, the most important in the government as well as between the Government.
- Stop effort on the basis of a lie / False,
- Do not close the Link, (All links must be free on News / News / Software In / Out region, for news / news certainly in the same responsibility beings create / sell News / News)
- Mandatory Code Should you for any / Mandatory in the Code, you should know.
By regarding the above can be subject to due Hang Hack / Loss on Serar, not corrupted files, can be connected without any Lost.
Instasi in mean starting from,
- Business Stocks (Stock Exchange in the World),
- Telkom,
The reason Laku Hack is subject;
- About a lie should / must at said,
- No law bans smoking Software,
- News / News inappropriate in Collapse,
- There should be no lie,
- All Must / Mandatory accordance Pantjasayla Garoedhaya.
Responsibilities will Creatures Hack behavior in behavior on behalf of,
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
An Angleash
Legal, behavioral and Do That by way of the hierarchy have the same behavior Position in Government hierarchy,
The word "Acts of Beauty (Reply Services)" will retrieval problems / praoblema large, the primary Intersection of Law, because the Law of should / must invitation Basic "Moral, Legal, Right", in which no "Acts of Beauty (Reply Services)".
For the People, not to enter the "Acts of Beauty (Reply Services)", "Acts of Beauty (Reply Services)" can in a sense,
- Buy,
- Forced,
- Entice, basic already aids,
- Trap,
- Pokey,
- Hankey,
- High Position, (afraid to remove it from the (Fire) Employment), and others,
So please be aware, regarding above all be subject to a legal sense. There have been many so look at Ahlam Raoha, please Primary "Moral and Right".
The law does not give the Road Running for word Acts of Beauty (Reply Services).
* Many Acts of Beauty (Reply Services) in asking about a "strange" woman or vice versa on the job and others.
Regarding Acts of Beauty (Reply Services/remuneration) lot of results, broken homes (divorce).
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
An Anglaesh - Jalan Rawas Dalaphan (Eightfold Path)
Hatea - (Hatea) - Right Livelihood - (Hearts)
1. Aotak - (Aotak) - Right View - (Mind)
2. Bhadanna - (Taoeboeh) - Right Mind - (Body)
3. Bhatenna - (Baten) - Right Speech - (Inner)
4. Jahwahae - (Jaewa) Right Action – (Soul)
5. Hatea - (Hatea) - Right Livelihood - (Hearts)
6. Nalar - (Instinc) - Right Effort - (Instincts)
7. Patea - (Patea) - Right Mindfulness - (Feelings)
8. Raoha - (Raoah) - Right Concentration - (Spirit)
Heart, whether pengetian of heart? In the life of the heart is always made beautiful, so sometimes interpreted as Love (Tjaentja Kaseh) which describes as Generous, Budiman, Good, often charity / fund, help the poor and so forth.
I would not blame this sense, the heart must be clear about. What about those who helped the disadvantages, then said, expectation Sin (Errors) I can I pay through the kindness which are distributed to the Community is unable or who need help. 100% clear that the subject is not the heart/love (Tjayenta Kaseh).
There is no creature that escape / release from guilt, the guilty remain in the law. Who knows his mistake and apologized to the disadvantaged will still be in the law, the difference is that those who know the Self then certainly lighter sentence was because apologized to creatures have their detriment. For those who did not apologize will double the punishment they received, so here is clearly seen the power of law in upholding the truth accordance Virtue. The law gives (Love Love) Tjayenta Kaseh with them will teach morality, so that they can think and changed from bad to good.
Is the apology still can walk (Kabajekan) after in the law? Certainly distinguish the subject for which to apologize directly and no apology, which obviously is their sentence was lighter compared with no apology. (Virtue is still influenced by several other elements, one is not in the elements it still does not include virtue, the subject makes it clear that Virtue is not in get (learning) easily so that the creature must learn Conscious Self In Morality (Complete Eight Elements of the)) ,
Want to get Virtue then they have to implement other elements of the subject apology, must be in accordance with the Law Eternal, namely "Do not Adverse creature, Give Freedom (the eight elements of the Eightfold Path, according Palea)".
Her spirit is gone, is not it in the given path, you are choosing (Fate / Destiny) is in the hands of you, you are choose destroyed, then the Spirit There goes you and will not go back (without exception, Sky (Akherat) knows no exception).
Civil fooled by them, why not see which give / convey this problem, so the problem can be resolved brother. Waiting Chief Crime, the results are disadvantaged is you yourself. There is no other creature that can help you, only 1 (one) creature that is able to give way to you, sorry choice in the hands of brothers, Fate / Destiny on hand to meet you or not. There is no chance at 1 (one) The creature, had no, no other chance. (1 day of time in the post, statement, is past; no opportunity).
Nothing in the word beings Conduct / Make Safe on brothers all, Safe can be conduct from Yourself.
Other creatures can only be Loving / Speech / advice, by word / phrase, without brothers change yourself, who can save brothers.
Subject Conduct / Bullshit Large, in words no creature save brothers Make.
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Aotak - Mind - 1. Right View - (Faekeran)
Bhadanna - Body - 2. Right Mind - (Taoeboeh)
Bhatenna - Inner - 3. Right Speech - (Baten)
Jahwahae - Right Action - Soul – (Jaewa)
Soul, how and whether the sebanarnya soul. Do us has a soul? Let us seek to understand the truth.
In writing The soul is a part of nature ourselves, other beings. Subject is evident by looking at the hungry, uneducated, atrocities, lies prolonged, whether self that we have the feeling that the issue does not really have to be revealed.
You consider trivial then indirectly you do not have a soul, which is part of,
- Brain,
- Body,
- Senses, mouth, eyes, ears, feeling, (the whole called Neural),
- Soul,
- Heart,
- Instinc,
- Feelings, analysis (comparison in mind that helps to analyze the truth and then act).
- Spirit or Raoha, (Can be immortal, can be destroyed, as a result of the determining causes).
Subject This is one of the Eightfold Path, which was known in the Doctrine Garoedha (Boeddha / Hynddhoe), in antiquity for Palea language is,
- Aotak 1. Right View
- Bhadanne 2. Right Thought
- Baten 3. Right Speech
- Jahwahae 4. Right Action
- Hatea 5. Right Livelihood
- Nalar (Instinc) 6. Right Effort
- Patea 7. Mindfulness
- Raoha 8. Right Concentration
Very happy they were born as a human being, more use of the brain (in Palea I write Aotak because Aotak is clean of filth, brain means it does not remember Origin His proposal so that more crimes they did in use).
It is sad for those who currently do not have any human form "Aotak, Bhadanne, Baten, Jahwahae, Hatea, Nalar, Patea, Raoha", because the dirtiness full in themselves and only knew harming creatures.
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Parehal sound (Order) dapat da bokte dagak sayat Baeby, lapar pasta lakoe tanges, daengar, makae baladjar antok akoet sorae, saebagae Aypak dadak hanak, padae sayat lahat wajae hanak badae pasta aedae tanya, kadan saebagae Manoesea (Makhloek) ponya rosae borok, makae aykan jadey soato.
Dagak katae layen apaka artey Baten? Baten adala parehal haobong antar/samae Makhloek haros da basek/dasar Barsa Fokar, tanpa Barsa Fokar makae Saodara tadak mampo tahoe/Baladjar. Fokar (Aotak) haros da dasar dagak Nayat "Bayek, Bagos, Banar, Barsa dan Tolas" tanpa adaye koran darey 5 sadah da toles, palen bagos ponya mayat (Raopa Dhamampada antok tayap Laher padey Kahayedoepan lakoe Bajek, "Moral, Hokom, Banar" dapat da katae layen "Tagak Banar"), haengga darey daere daewe dapat hasel bayek. Otak ayfek palen basar, da laonjot dagak kambang Tabah, makay Baten banto Akebat Tjahayae, Roasa, Soara, haengga saegala sarafaya lakoe karja, akabat darey Nayat "Bayek, Bagos, Banar, Barsa dayan Tolas", makay samoa jalan lantjar paday Ayendera.
Dasar "Moral, Hokom, Banar" hanak aykan da lahat sowae taomboeh, Nayat/Mayat "Bayek, Bagos, Banar, Barsa dan Tolas" aykan barey Taladan dayan artey saetjara Baten aykan Akabat - Sabab talah jadey, masok padae paraelakoe hanak dagak haoboeng ArongToa (Otama) dayan Haoboeng Warga/Saoseyal.
Parehal layen Baten padae Makhloek "Sadar Daere Tjara Moral" baroe dapat da taengkat, tanpa "Sadar Daere Tjara Moral" makay sampe kapanhe Saodara tadak aykan parna hasal antok taengkat mampo Saodara.
An Angleash,
Eightfold Path
Bhatenna - Batin - 3. Speech
Brain - Mind - 1. Right View
Bhadanna - Body - 2. Mind Right
Bhatenna - Batin - 3. Speech
Batin, whether the purpose of the mind? The mind can be trained how?
I mean that in a Batin is a result of consequence brain receives all kinds of shapes in the process. Set brain Indera Indera is a nerve in the body that received the skin, hair, ears, eyes, voice, Seasoning on tongue, belly, stomach etc. are set up with the body flourish.
We speak, then what happens to the baby is the brain process sound and synergy with the development of an appropriate body can grow up to be like a man of Adult and Elder.
indirectly Brain expressed sound (order) on the body so as to grow and synergies in all parts of the body.
About this can be proved by the time the baby, hungry surely cry, listen, then learn to follow the sound, as a mother who educate children, upon seeing a child's face is different certainly asked, sometimes as a human (creature) feeling uncomfortable, then something will happen.
Inner Meaning what exactly? Batin is about the relationship between creatures that need is based Cleanliness Mind, without hygiene mind then you are not able to know / learn. Mind (brain) must be on the basis of Intent "Good, Well, True, Clean and Sincere" with no less than 5 written, The most nice had the "intention is from within yourself for Virtuous behavior (Form Oath for all born in Life do Virtue, Mayat)", up from yourself can be a good result. The brain that affect the largest, followed by the development of body, mind and help Consequences of Light, flavors, sounds, so that all the nerves work, as a result of Intent "Good, Well, True, Clean and sincere", then all goes well on his senses.
Basic "Moral, Law, True" child will look appropriate growth, intentions "Good, Well, True, Clean and Sincere" will give Models and Meaning in Batin will result - why that happened, including on the behavior of children with relationships Parents (especially) and Relationship Skills / social.
Another matter on the inner beast "Self Aware By Morality" can only be improved, without "Self Aware By Morality" at any time until then you will never succeed to improve your ability.
Haengat dalam Kahayedoepan, “Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas”, Saodara tadak maohe da raoge, janga parna raoge Makhloek.
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Tabah barey artey (karana ponya Aotak) aykan Lahat/Pandang/Wawasan Nyata (Benar), da praoses laloe Foker (Aotak), jalas bahwa talah ponya Tabah (Aotak), sayae haros tjare apaka jadey sayae ponya tabah haengga dapat ponya lahat/pandang/wawasan banar. Dagak da jawab saegala tanya (da dasar Bokte) makay ponya Lahat/Pandangan/Wawasan Banar.
Jalas Katae Banar, bayak talah salah artey.
Banar satoe katae haros da dasar aytas parehal tadak raoge Makhloek. Parehal raoge Makhloek makay katae "Banar" jadey Kabanaran. Apaye sabab (Napae) jadey Kabenaran, pangakoewan akan salah makae parehal pangakoewan raopa Kabanaran. Bowat tjareta, balom artey kabanaran, karana tjareta baesa/dapat da katae Khayalan/Karangan. Karangan sodah pasta adaye tadak ponya Onsor raoge, adaye karangan nayat raoge.
Salah satoe katae sodah da pasta raopa parahal raoge Makhloek bayek tjara Nayat maohe tadak. Sayae katek, dapat jadey salah toles makae parehal salah toles raopa salah tadak Nayat. Sayae tjoere/rampok makae parehal tjoere/rampok raopa salah, da lakoe dagak Nayat, da lakoe dagak tjara Sadar darey daere daewe. Bokte bahwa parehal salah adala bowat/lakoe/tanda sadah da tahoe foker kaeta, apaka bowat da lakoe banar ataoe Salah saetjara sadar foker daere daewe. Lakoe samae dagak layen (da ayfek/paksa), tanto foker kaeta sadah tahoe banar ataoe Salah, akoet/lakoe parehal salah artey raopa tanggong jawab darey daere daewe, bokan tanggong jawab darey Makhloek layen, saetjara hokom parehal sabot aykan da bokte adaye kaonsparase (karja samae, makae Fones paste labeh taenggeh).
Darey parehal katae Banar, salah, Kabanaran, makae da ambal/takan satoe sampoel bahwa saegala soato bowat, banar, salah jadey tanggoeng jawab darey Makhloek Lakoe, parehal Kaonsparase jadey tanggong jawab maraka samae sowa dagak janas salah, Kapala ataoe Takae-Tagae. Takae-Tagae pasta bokan Aotak darey Kajahatan, jadey Aotak adala Kapala, makae Kapala haros saelaloe da tangkap baroe rasae aman baesa/dapat da laksana dagak bayek haengga Sajahteray dan Bahageya baesa/dapat tjapa.
An Angleash,
Body (Tubuh), (Palea, Bhadanne, 2. Faekeran Banar), 2. Mind Right
The body is the human body or creature. In previously discussed the Mind, Mind there is certainly need view, the real view then can be said the view / vision, the real is the Truth. In the language of "Palea" I interpreted as the brain and in Boeddhyst / Hynddhoest I put as 1. Right View.
Mind right before, than view is correct, why mind right first and then the Right View? Because I need a body that can explain the Right View. The brain is part of the body, without the body how to have a brain. The brain is the center of all development in the body, affects the body, the brain damage will affect the formation for Body. Logically, the development of the body's "good, well, true, clean, and Sincere" will provide a good development on the ability of these creatures.
The body gives the sense (because it has a brain) will be a real view (Right), are in the process through the Mind (brain), makes it clear that after having the body (brain) I need to find what makes me have a body so as to have the right view. With response all questions (based on evidence) then have the Right View.
Explanation Words True, much misunderstood.
Correct a word that should be in the underlying on the subject does not harm the creatures. Regarding the word harm creature really becomes Truth. Why become truth, recognition is wrong then the matter is Truth. Make a story, not to interpret the truth, because the story can be told Delusion / Authorship. Authorship is definitely there which have no detrimental elements, intended Authorship to harm anyone.
One word that has been ascertained is about harming creatures either intentionally or unintentionally. I'm typing, writing errors may occur then the subject was a mistake unintentionally. I steal / rob then the matter is a mistake deliberately done in aware of yourself. Proving that the issue one is an act that is already known by our mind, whether the action is done correctly or False consciously by the mind itself. Perform along with the others (influenced / forced), of mind we already know is true or False, follow / implement concerning any means the sole responsibility of the self, not the responsibility of other being, legally the matter will prove their conspiracy (Working together, the penalty would have been higher).
From about the word right, wrong, Truth, then take the conclusion that everything works, right, wrong is the responsibility of the creature, about Conspiracy their responsibilities together in accordance with the type of error, the Head or Foot-Hand. Hand-foot definitely not the Brain of Evil, who became brain is the Head, the head should always be arrested then Security can be implemented properly so that the welfare and happiness can be achieved.
Haengat dalam Kahayedoepan, “Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas”, Saodara tadak maohe da raoge, janga parna raoge Makhloek.
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
TECH 21:35 04.09.2016(updated 22:08 04.09.2016) Get short URL 388410
Alien enthusiasts concoct a novel conspiracy theory that space alien lasers struck the ill-fated Space X rocket right before takeoff and point to a video that seems to show a bird flying past right before the explosion.
Earlier this week Elon Musk’s Falcon 9 Space X rocket burst into flames moments before a test launch resulting in massive financial and technological loss for the company with many now questioning the safety and reliability of the private sector space program. The explosion was chalked up to a faulty rocket engine that created a spark causing the entire system to viciously explode even damaging the launchpad.
The company issued an update of its investigation on Friday saying, "We are currently in the early process of reviewing approximately 3,000 channels of telemetry and video data covering a time period of just 35 to 55 milliseconds" as part of an investigation with the Federal Aviation Administration, NASA and the US Air Force to determine the exact cause of the explosion.
Alien enthusiasts believe that they have discovered the cause of the mysterious explosion in the next generation space rocket that was planned to be incorporated into a NASA crew flight next year claiming that a mysterious UFO shot a laser beat that caused the destruction.
These self-proclaimed UFO hunters point not only to video evidence that appears to show a bird flying over the rocket moments before the explosion, but also to Space X referring to an "anomaly" on the launch pad following an explosion – a term they think is a clear reference to space aliens.
One such alien enthusiast, after reviewing the video, dismissed the idea that the black flying object was just a bug or a bird arguing that the object must have been flying at hypersonic speed.
"If between the left tower and right tower there is at least a quarter mile and the so called bug beamed from one end to the other in 1/4 second then that bug is at least going 3,600mph minimum," said one person. "It’s not a bird, it an alien with a laser that destroyed the rocket. You can tell it is not a bird or a bug. Look at how the left tower hides the UFO behind it when you slow it down near the top. This indicates the UFO is behind the tower, not in-front of the camera lens dropping the possibility of a bug."
Not everyone is convinced that it was an alien that fired a laser beam with one YouTube commenter named Wayne Farmer questioning "which is more likely: a UFO destroys the rocket, or volatile fuels accidentally ignite during rocket fueling? UFO theorists, in this case Occam’s Razor applies."
So, are aliens preparing to eviscerate mankind (or at least inconvenience private sector space companies)? The internet is filled with people who think just that.
Rasok mesen karana akebat jadey labeh tjael paday Pompa Doron, Badan/romah jadey basar. (Akebat Senjata tajoe tapat araha/sasar dagat saystem Taelakanatek, talah da pakae United Stated, dayan bagat Waelayah da Daone, hasel jadey adala gagal taerbang dan jatoh ka bawah).
Ledakan da tanga bokan akebat darey "Patje Rateo", Ledakan akebat Remote darey da Pantjar waelayah da laontjoer Roket. Sabab dan tajoe, antok tadak da paraksa Satalet aykan da laontjoer. Bokan hanya Satalet, aeday masok dalam senjata Laser dagat manemal daemater 13 santemater dayan dapat jadey labah basar akebat Optek (da kaera sakatar 30 m).
Bokte aykan aeday Angkatan/Pasoekan Laoar Angkasay,
- Baehasay baday da tayap waelayah sampe Toles,
- Bagonan Gaowa da Hayndyae da bagon saepa? (sodah arapa lamay/Taowa?)
- Bagonan da Ayesrael pada Gaowa da bagon saepa? (sodah arapa lamay/Taowa?)
- Paton da Waelayah Lawot Atlantek. Sodah ponya omaer arapa?
- Baday DNA da tayap manoesea tadak tamoe aykan asale asley da baome aeney, paday bagak Andefado. Manoesea tjaotjok dagat DNA asley baome aeney hanya saekatar 300,000 manoesea (Hayak Malak Asley Aeney Baome).
- Photo Pasawat Laoar Angkasay (Kapal Ayendoek, basar manemal "20 Km panjang dayan labar 30 Km) bagak da semboe Patogas taenggeh Nagara (Praesaden/Wakel, Pardhana Maentare, Tanagay Ahley) karana tadak ponya Moral, taentang Manoesea darey Laoar Angkasay baerekoet Kapal Ayendoek saelaloe adaye da sakatar Baome aeney sajak almos 80 jatae tohan laloe.
- Paran talah jadey, akebat sakatar 7,000 pasawat angkatan Adare darey banyak waelayah hantjorr (Pasoekan Baome). da molae 2014 - sayat aeney. (Akebat darey Pamampen Waelayah tadak tahoe katay "Banar, Hokom dan Moral". (Tadak tanggoeng jawab hasel bowat/lakoe maraka).
An Angleash,
Chronology of rocket does not lift to the Air,
Damaged machines became smaller as a result Push Pump, Body / house so big. (Due to go right weapon can serve telekinetic system, has been used United Stated, and some Region in the World, so the result is failed to fly and fall down).
The explosion in the middle is not a result of "Patje Rateo", the explosion result from the Remote Transmitter in a rocket sled. Cause and purpose, not in check Satellite will launch. Not only Satelet, in the short laser weapon with a minimum diameter of 13 cm and can be larger as a result of Optics (at about 30 m).
Broken machines responsibilities "Mark Mamangkey Tjost" to take the name "Patje Rateo" ( "Man - Force / Force Space Ship" from Outer Space).
Evidence will be Force / Army,
- Language to be different in each region to writing,
- Buildings Caves in India in the wake whom? (How long / Old?)
- Building on a cave in Israel in the wake whom? (How long / Old?)
- Sculptures in the Atlantic Ocean Region. Already have how old?
- Different DNA in each human being is not meeting the original origin of the earth will have, on many individuals. Human DNA match with the original earth is only about 300,000 men.
- Photo Spaceship (carrier, amounting to a minimum of "20 Km long and 30 Km wide) hide many state officials because they have no morals about Space Man of the following aircraft carrier always around Earth since almost 80 million Tahon ago.
- The war has finished, due to the approximately 7,000 air force planes from many regions destroyed (Armey This Earth). in starting in 2014 - this time. (Effects of Regional Leader does not know the word "True, Law and Moral". (No responsibility results of their actions).
Tagah Parehal Otama, janga parnaa da Bowat/Lakoe,
1. lawan, "Hokom, "Akebat - Sabab"",
2. Lawan, "Banar",
3. Raoba "DNA Makhloek", "Jadey seme Robot ataoe pakae Tjhep dayan bowat Cyborg/Cyclone da manay merep/samay Manoesea". ("Afhaolosey da bowat")
Three Main Subject, never is Do / Make,
1. Opponents, the Law, "Be - Cause, Beginning of Life",
2. The opposite, True,
3. Change the DNA Beings, so became semi Robot or use chip and create Cyborg / Cyclone where similar / same human. (Evolution-made)
Guarantee 100% Patje Rateo will create / Do Destroyed the factory, Actor, Chief.
Mark Mamangkey Tjost
Fodae Layen,
Awale adala Drone
Sayat sadah bagak, Robot manta Kayehoedoepan da taonjang dagak Dayah/Dayeh Manoesea dayan Hawan (saebagae bahan Otama Cyborg/Cyclone), laloe manoesea ka manae? (Program Kaompoeter mampo Lawan Manoesea Akebat Manoesea)
When is a lot, ask Robot Life is supported by Human and Animal Blood/Flesh (as the main ingredient Cyborg / Cyclone), and then human to where? (Program Computer can Figth Human because Human)
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Banda matey adala banda hayedoep, Banda Hayedoep bowat/lakoe bantoek Makhloek Hayedoep sarta Matey, (Raopa Akibat - Sabab, bokan Tjaepta)
Banda Matey dayan banda Hayedoep taeda badae, da kata taeda badae tatap badae. (Makhloek matey da katae Banda, Makhloek Hayedoep da katae Makloek, hanyo da karana satoe dapat garak, satoe tadak dapat garak, satoe Raopa Tjaepta Makhloek, satoe karana Akebat -Sabab)
Da banto Amaobay, Baktara, Parasat, tanpa ganggo apahe pasta jadey basar haengga jadey Afaolose bantok paday Makhloek. ("Taory Akabat - Sabab" Hokom Alam (Kahayedoepan), "Taory Afaolose" haros da lahat darey awal).
Danga bagae jadey aobah/bantok paday Afaolose tanto aykan jadey Makhloek Anaka Ragam dangan wakto talah Talea tohan da laloe (Parehal talah dapat da arty (da bawah 800) Ratos Talea kaley (X=1) Talea).
Talah da lahat dan ponya bokte bahwa sagat banto kahayedoepan adalah Ahyer, Taomboehan, tanpa Ayher makay Tjael maongken jalan ayren Taory, Taory Akebat - Sebab" Hokom Alam (Kahayedoepan), "Taory Afaolose" haengga bantoek Kahayedoepan.
Parehal toles da aytas talah barey bokte bahwa taeda Makhloek lakoe Tjaepta, talah lakoe jadey karena tadak gaona Tanaga, Foker, Pangalaman (Aksparansa) maohe darey Makhloek. (Hanyo dalam wakto tjaepat, sayat da tjareta talah paday datay tjatat (Rayewayat) Bibel/Al-Quran)
* Danga perihal talah lakoe, makay sayae katae bokan hanya 1 baome adaye da samastay. Maseh bagak labeh majoe darey Baome da saney, dayan bokte bahwa taeda parna da namae Keamat (Wakto Talah Hanta datak).
An Angleash
Open Data Backward / History of Life, beginning in the form of. (Brain - Mind - 1. Right View)
It has been described at the beginning of
None be there, there is a zero (0), Zero (0) developing into 1, 2, 3. , ff. Subject is the same with the rank of Life, as well as increased levels of spirit beings lesson. Does not cover the possibility of decrease in level of Spirit Beings or until extinction on the Spirit Beings. Example: 10, 9, 8. , , 2, 1, 0, no trace. (Subject that is very influential is Kabanaran Sasoeae Kabajekan).
Inanimate objects is a living thing, objects form the Living Beings well as the Dead, (Sense Due - Because, not creatted),
Living Dead objects and objects no different, in different words no different stays. (Creatures die in said Objects, Living in the word "Beings", just because one can move, one can not move, one Visual Created Beings, one as Due -Because)
Of the Air gather, from small to large,
Form a unified, forming Life.
Is that form of life? Water, Wind, Dust and Fire.
Water unites Wind Dust impulse to be unity so that, after being unity in essence definitely hot and Cold outside, primarily on Planet, away from the sun (north - south). (In the name of the element "Pull- is Pull (Positive - Negative)" work become the form of)
Examples of such a long time, certainly form a planet, the Sun, Comet, Meteor and others.
After becoming a planet with a good position, it can be hot and cold are good, then formed in called the Mainland and the Sea, Pole (North - South).
Water Means Life is the most important, with the water then comes lichens, mosses grow larger and after death, appeared called Amoeba, Bacteria, Parasites and others.
Helped by Amoeba, Bacteria, Parasites, without any disturbance definitely enlarged, causing the evolution of the form of the creature. ( "Theory Be - Cause" or Law of "Beginning of Life", "Theory of Evolution" should be viewed from the beginning).
With various changes / shaper on evolution would be a creature of various Variety after a trillion years in going through. (Subject may mean (Below 800) Hundred Trillion x Trillions).
Seen and proved that it is very helpful life is water, plant, without the subject is much less likely to walk as a result Theory Theory - For "Universal Law," Theory of Evolution "thus forming Life.
With the subject of hope you realize that the backbone Water and Plant Top in Life, then respect Water and Trees in the Forest and in the House Civil.water support Trees and Trees support the Civil Air Breathe every day.
Regarding the creation proves that nothing happens because they do not use the Power, Mind, Experience and Power of Being (Creature). (Just a few moments, according recorded in the Bible / Quran)
* With these matters, then I declare not only one Earth is in the universe. There is still much more advanced than the Earth here, and prove that nothing ever is in the call Judgment (cessation of ticking time).
Haengat dalam Kahayedoepan, “Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas”, Saodara tadak maohe da raoge, janga parna raoge Makhloek.
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :
Blank is No, No is Have, Have will Grow. (Brain - Mind - 1. Right View)
Blank is no
Empty in terms of being there originally was no. How can there previously was none.
Empty into being, from blank to zero (0)
Zero (0) is something not to be zero (0)
Zero (0) developing into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and so on. (Description is called the process of nature and the destruction fo World of Life (Life/Creature), Kabajekan (Virtue) definitely growing, Crime definitely Destructive since declined and none in the call minus "1, 2, 3 and so" there is only 0, 1, 2, etc., or 10, 9, 8,... 1, 0, from Zero to Empty)
From the blank to expand to show an increase, the increase means expanding, developing means increases, means Aware, Aware means Aware of themselves, aware of the self means Aware In morality, it was called Boeddha / Hynddhoe or current Garoeda (consolidation of three languages into one meaning "Conscious Self Way Morally") , or in Endonesea (Palae or known as "Pali") Sadar Daere Satjara Maoraletas .
After Sadar Daere Satjara Maoraletas Swasteka then called for developing, expanding Because then taken from the flower-shaped "+" until the Swasteka is "+"
Please read the link, for matemateka actual formula.
Of the subject proves that the Theory of Cause and Effect (Law of "Beginingof Life" / "Be - Cause") and The Theory of Evolution into The foundation of the formation of the Life with strengthened by the "Taory Banar" (Theory Kabanaran).
The subject membutikan that all living beings are in life is not the result of creation is like the Bible and the Al-Qur'an.
Haengat dalam Kahayedoepan, “Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas”, Saodara tadak maohe da raoge, janga parna raoge Makhloek.
Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)
Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)
The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).
I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.
Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.
In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.
Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.
Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :