Saturday, 31 December 2016

2017, Daone aeney "Tadak Ponya Moral". (Baome/Daone NYSTA)

2017, Daone aeney "Tadak Ponya Moral". (Baome/Daone NYSTA)

Sabta, Dhasa 31, 2016, 14.35

Solam Garoedhaya,

0 - 1920 Daone panoh Bohong da Molae, darey Nashraniah - Islam/Muslim

1920 - 1945 Perang, Taeda Bahageya antok Makhloek

1945, 17 Agostoes - Daone jadey 1 dalam Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea

1949, Talah jadey Haenat paday Rakyat dagak maraka bowat Waelayah jadey Negara tanpa ponya Dasar,

2013, Molae da Oengkap Konsperese Ahlam Raoha da manae sodah maraka lakoe penoh Bohong da Nagara/Rakyat lawat Pamampen Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong, Islam, Muslim, Nashraniah, dll)

2014, Molae da Oengkap Konsperese da manae sodah lakoe Raoge padae Nagara/Rakyat lawat "Enflase, Terores, Tjoetje "Owang, Emas, Parmata", Letjeh Saeksoyal, Koroepse, dll".

2015, da tame balek hakan Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea dayan da Raobah padae Tahon 2016 jadey "Nagara Saroe Raepoeblek Andhonesea", bowat bayek hakan artey "Pantjasayla Garoedha" da manae dagak Dasar "Banar = Tadak Ragoe Makhloek".

2016, Haneh , napae tadak aedae da Praoses saetjara Hokom holeh Aparator da samoa Waelayah? Napae samoa maken jadey hakan "Bohong"? Jalas bahwa Daone aeney sodah tadak ponya Moral padae Manoesea, hanyo bantok manoesea, nyata adala "Badat/Kajahatan/Komoenes".

2017, . . . Tajoe mosnah padae Daone aeney . . .

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Kotay Kartanagara
Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea

Tjaontry Ane Raepoeblek Andhonesea ,

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endhonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe "Pancasila" masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words "Agama/Allah/Tuhan", Relied "The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede". (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in "tuhan or Allah (Sewer)", which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World's biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):

Thursday, 17 November 2016

" Taory Banar ", Kabanaran ( Kebenaran ( Troeth Theory ( Truth Theory )))

" Taory Banar ", Kabanaran ( Kebenaran ( Troeth Theory ( Truth Theory )))

Laynk " Taory Banar "

Da posta Brata/Warta kambaley darey Laynk,

Hidup pada Alam Kehidupan sangatlah singkat, sebagai tempat belajar, berpikir, menimbang, melihat, mendengar, bertindak pada kelangsungan Kehidupan diri kita maupun Makhluk lain.

Prinsip mengelola Kebenaran telah saya tuangkan menjadi "Teori Kebenaran" yang di mana harus berdasarkan Pancasila Buddhist/Hinddhuist, yaitu :
1. Bersih
2. Jujur
3. Terbuka
4. Bertanggung Jawab
5. Transparan

Bagaimanakan saya menemukan sehingga menjadikannya sebagai Dasar dari "Teori Kebenaran".

Di mulai pada saat saya menuliskan Artikel Fight For The Truth

Pada Artikel sudah menyinggung cerita tentang Makhluk (Kenyataannya adalah Azhura, Ibliz, Zatan) yang lepas dari Neraka dan merusak sekitar 99 Alam Kehidupan di berbagai Alam, hingga tinggal di Kehidupan Alam Nista yang mempunyai Tubuh di Alam Kehidupan tanpa Roh.

Perihal Alam Kehidupan lain, semua sudah di penggal Kepalanya dan di musnahkan.

Bagaimana dengan di Alam Kehidupan (Alam Nista) saat ini ?

Dahulunya mereka banyak di Pemerintahan Pemberontak ( memberontak dari NKRI mendirikan RI yang tidak mempunyai Dokumen Legalisasi di Negeri Belanda dan United Kingdom ).

Mengapa tidak mempunyai Legalisasi dari Negeri Belanda dan United Kingdom ?

Karena pada perjanjian Renville tertulis, tiada pemisahan dari NKRI, Kutai Kartanagara menjaminkan (Wilayah Indonesia pada United Stated) untuk menghentikan peperangan yang berlangsung semakin meluas untuk kepentingan Rakyat di berbagai wilayah sampai perihal NKRI ada yang mengungkapkan kembali (Pemberontakan/Kejahatan/Alam Roh maupun Alam Kehidupan dalam bentuk Bukti) sehingga pada saat tersebut NKRI seutuhnya kembali ke Ibu Pertiwi (Singapore).

Kejahatan yang di lakukan tetap harus di Hukum sesuai dengan Hukum yang berlaku. (Hukum tidak mengenal kata Kecuali).

Kembali ke "Bagaimanakan saya menemukan sehingga menjadikannya sebagai Dasar dari "Teori Kebenaran"."

Dengan mengetahui perihal Alam Roh dan melihat berbagai Kejahatan tentu semangat membongkar semakin besar untuk Kejahatan di Pemerintahan. Menuliskan berbagai Artikel dan memberikan Komentar, ternyata malah membuka Pikiran, Pandangan, Jangkauan lebih Luas dari yang di bayangkan.

Pancasila tersebut adalah Pancasila Dasar dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dengan melihat Sila-nya.

Di saat saya dapat bermain di Alam Roh, saya mengetahui bahwa tiada yang melebihi " Yang Maha Kuasa " maka dari perihal tersebut tidak mempercayai Allah/Tuhan karena mereka Sam Poo Kong yang hidup di Alam Kehidupan saat ini ternyata menjadi Allah/Tuhan. Berdasarkan Kelicikannya dapatkah saya mempercayainya ?

Yang mengatakan Allah/Tuhan adalah mereka sendiri yang mengakui sebagai Allah satu, dua, tiga dan entah, mungkin dapat sampai menjadi 100 atau 1,000. (Demikian pula dengan Tuhan)

Pada Pancasila Pemberontak tertulis sila pertama " Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa "

Ternyata telah di rubah oleh Hatta dan Soeharto.

Silahkan pembaca membaca penjelasan di :

Pada Bahasa Ibrani kata Esa adalah " Awal Segala Kejahatan "

Dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak mempunyai pengertian dalam kata " Esa " Logikanya dalam Pancasila " Bhinneka Tunggal Ika " yang berati berbeda-beda tetap satu, bagaimana dapat " Esa " di katakan " Satu ".

Pada Sila Pertama sebenarnya adalah " Kepercayaan Berlandaskan Yang Maha Kuasa "

dan pada Sila ke empat seharusnya tertulis di wakili, bukan di pimpin. Bagaimana mau di pimpin, presiden memimpin lalu apakah MPR ikut memimpin ?

Perihal lain, yaitu mengenai " Hari Kesaktian Pancasila " secara logika, bagaimanakah dapat Proklamasi Kemerdekaan dahulu, kemudian Hari Kesaktian Pancasila lebih muda dari Proklamasi Kemerdekaan ?

Pancasila merupakan Dasar / Tatanan Kehidupan sebagai Rakyat Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, apakah Proklamasi Kemerdekaan dahulu Kemudian Dasar Negara (Pancasila) ? Bukti lain, yaitu Proklamasi Kemerdekaan di persiapkan bukan dalam waktu 1 atau 2 tahun, melainkan sudah di siapkan di Negeri Belanda bersama Inggris, Perancis, Potugis sejak Tahun 1927 di mana NKRI wilayah Indonesia masih di bawahi oleh Kutai Kartanagara (Singapore).

Banyak bukti yang memperlihatkan keganjilan pada Pemerintahan Pemberontak (Hatta-Soeharto-Megawati-SBY-Joko Widodo/Jusuf Kalla)

Melihat perubahan yang di lakukan pada Pancasila, maka saya mulai mengamati apakah Inti dari Pancasila tersebut ?

Melihat pada Pancasila Buddhist/Hinddhuist sedemikian banyaknya, ternyata tidak efektif karena berdasar pelajaran diri belum terlihat akan kelengkapannya. Maka berdasarkan Pancasila tersebut saya mengambil yang terbaik yaitu dari Pancasila Dasar Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) dan di jadikan sebagai Pancasila Buddhist/Hinddhuist sebagai Dasar pembawaan diri untuk menunjukkan Kebenaran dengan berbagai Pertanyaan yang harus dapat di jelaskan secara :

1. Bersih

2. Jujur

3. Terbuka

4. Bertanggung Jawab

5. Transparan

1. Bersih

Bersih artinya bersih dari segala kekotaran Batin maupun Badaniah.

2. Jujur

Jujur dalam kehidupan sehari hari. (Kebenaran, Hukum).

3. Terbuka

Terbuka akan segala sesuatu pertanyaan dan memberikan jawaban yang tepat dalam berhubungan.

4. Bertanggung-Jawab

Bertanggung-jawab akan segala tingkah laku, perbuatan, perkataan yang di jalani dalam kehidupan.

5. Transparan.

Transparan akan diri sendiri dan Ajaran yang di jalani tanpa ada ketertutupan/menyembunyikan Ajaran yang di pelajari.

Dengan 5 Sila ini, di jamin siapapun saudara akan berhasil dalam kehidupan di manapun berada. (inilah Sila asli dari Buddhist maupun Hinddhuist).

Setelah memberikan penjelasan, jelas penemu dari " Teori Kebenaran " adalah yang menyusun Pancasila yang menjadi Dasar dari Tatanan Kehidupan Rakyat Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Sebagai warga merupakan Kehormatan dapat memperkenalkan Kemasyarakat (Warga) sehingga pengertian Pancasila lebih mudah di pahami dan di jalani secara Kenegaraan pada Kehidupan, akan menghasilkan Kesejahteraan yang merata, bersama Kebahagiaan pada seluruh Rakyat di berbagai wilayah.

Bagaimanakah dengan Pemerintahan saat ini ? Terlihat kacau balau karena Kejahatannya belum ada yang masuk TV, Media Cetak, Elektronik bahwa di tangkap akibat dari Artikel saya.

Pada keadaan ini, saya menyampaikan pada Warga di manapun berada bahwa

" Jangan Pernah ada kata "Menyerah" dalam Membela "Kebenaran dalam Kebajikan" "

Entah sampai kapan dapat bertahan mengenai Kelangsungan dari Internet maupun web saya, akhirnya pasti pudar dan hilang tanpa bekas di manapun di telan oleh Kejahatan yang masih bercokol di Pemerintahan.

Doa sehari-hari

Pada Pagi dam Malam hari berdoalah mengucapkan "Yang Maha Kuasa, Terima Kasih akan Berkat, Lindungan, Kebahagiaan dan Kesejahteraan " .

Kata dalam bahasa Inggris Thank's tanpa "You". Mengapa tanpa "You" karena Yang Maha Kuasa tidak berbentuk/berupa dan tidak dapat di pikirkan oleh Makhluk.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost


Saya tidak percaya pada tuhan atau Allah, yang saya percaya/bersandar pada Yang Maha Kuasa. (tuhan dengan Dewa adalah berbeda)

Dalam Bahasa Indonesia tidak mengenal kata Agama yang ada adalah Ajaran, tiada asal usul kata Agama. Dalam Bahasa Inggris tertulis Religius adalah Ajaran/Kerpercayaan.

Tuhan / Allah adalah Kebohongan terbesar di Dunia. Siap menerima Debat depan TV, Media, Elektronik secara langsung tanpa ada editan.

Alasan silahkan baca :

Merupakan tugas saya sebagai warga Dunia memperlihatkan Kebohongan terbesar di Dunia untuk di ungkap sehingga tidak berkepanjangan.

Teori Realitivitas Kecepatan

Realivitas Kecepatan =  (waktu tiba - waktu saat ini ) * Jarak

Perihal di atas membutikan mesin waktu tidak akan pernah ada.

Rumus Matematika terbaik sepanjang masa :

1 = 0 + 1 ( A = B + C )

0 = 0 - 1 ( A = B - C )

1 = 1 : 0 ( A = B : C )

0 = 0 : 1  ( A = B : C )

1 = 1 * 1 ( A = B * C )

1 = 1 * 0  ( A = B * C )

0 = 0 * 1  ( A = B * C )

0 = 0 - 1 ( A = B - C )

Untuk Nol di artikan Kosong (tidak mempunyai Nilai).

Pengertian :

Saudara tiada punya uang lalu mau di kurangkan atau di bagi maupun di kali, bagaimana dapat karena tidak mempunyai uang (Kosong).

Nilai lebih dari 1 maka harus jelas dari mana nilainya, Contoh :

5 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1  (kenapa memakai angka 1 ? Nilai tersebut jelas dari mana di dapatkan)

A = B + C + D + E + F

Waelayah Banar Paosetef (Salathan) - Naogatef (Ataro) pada Katob, Montjoel Asin pada Air Laut.

Medan Positif di atur dengan Jarak sudah di atur pada Medan Negatif, di tempat ke dalam air tawar.

Apakah perihal di atas dapat buat air tawar jadi Asin?

Es Balok dapat di buat dari Air Tawar lalu masuk Garam dan di putar.

Es jadi karena Air pada tempat tentu, di tempat pada tempat Air Tawar sudah di masuk garam ke dalam.

Dengan tahu perihal di atas maka tahu Positif berada di Selatan atau Utara.


Nofha 03, 2015,

Da posta Brata/Warta Kambaley,

Thoersday, Samak, Nafha 17, 2016, 09.00

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Kotay Kartanagara
Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea

Tjaontry Ane Raepoeblek Andhonesea ,

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endhonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe "Pancasila" masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words "Agama/Allah/Tuhan", Relied "The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede". (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in "tuhan or Allah (Sewer)", which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World's biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):

Thursday, 10 November 2016

NOT MY PRESIDENT: Chaos and mayhem on American streets

NOT MY PRESIDENT: Chaos and mayhem on American streets

Solam Garoedhaya,

Parehal apaka da katae komoenes? Komoenes adala Raopa Kajahatan, karana tadak lakoe Hokom sowae "Pantjasayla Garoedha".

Pantjasayla Garoedha jalas bahwa "Barsa, Banar, Bagos, Bayek, Banan (Transparan)" haengga samoa jalas saetjara Hokom.

Akebat darey tadak jalas, "reboet, rosoeh, rontak" jadey da samoa waelayah, karana tadak ponya Hokom jalas.

Dagak parehal da aytas jalas bahwa Komoenes/Kajahatan haros/wajab mosnah darey Daone aeney.

Jalas bahwa da lahat "Trump" bokan arong "bayek, bagos, barsa, banar, transparan".

Hillary jaoga boroek, bagak salah, haengga jalas padae "palah" tadak dapat da laksana karana panoh entrek kabohongan/kajahatan.

Samoa Wajab da lakoe saetjara hokom haengga pahak salah da hokom labeh dahoeloe, laloe bowat palah "baejaksana, babas, banar, barsa dan bagos".

* Masaf padae palah awal, Wajab Komoenes tadak ponya Hayak dalam palah praesadan, nanta talah samoa (Kajahatan) sodah da hokom (Rayap da Sangkawang) dayan da atoer saetjaepat mongken saystem antok masok kandadat saebagae praesadan dagak tjara tayest, sayat aetoe maraka da barey hayak saetjara da awase.

An Anglesh,

Regarding whether in word communist? Communists are Rupa Crime, because it is not appropriate behavior Pantjasayla Garoedha Law.

Pantjasayla Garoedha clear that "Clean, Right, Good, Well, Transparent" until all is clear in Law.

As a result of unclear, noisy, violent, rebel be in all regions, because they have no clear law.

With the subject line above it is clear that the Communist / Evil must perish from this world.

It is clear that in view Trump is not the "good, nice, clean, correct, transparent".

Hillary too bad, a lot of wrong, to clear the elections can not be implemented because of intrigue lies / crime.

All Mandatory in legally sold until the first one in law, then held elections wise, free, correct, clean and nice.

* Sorry for primaries, Mandatory Communists do not have the Right to select a president, then after all (Crime) is already in the law (termites in singkawang) and set as soon as the system for entry candidate for the presidency by way of test, that's when they were given rights in supervise.

* Be careful with all the media, all the media all behavior behind the crime to help a crime.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost


Thoersday (Samak), Nofha 10, 2016, 12.10
Kotay Kartanagara
Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea

Tjaontry Ane Raepoeblek Andhonesea ,

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endhonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe "Pancasila" masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words "Agama/Allah/Tuhan", Relied "The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede". (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in "tuhan or Allah (Sewer)", which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World's biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):

Flags burning, Trump effigies hanging in the streets of America’s major cities
November 10, 20163:20pm

Trump Addresses Supporters After Stunning Victory

A US flag is burned in protest at Trump’s win. Picture: Mike Bivins/Twitter
Victoria Craw and Rohan

Email a friend
WARNING: Strong language
FLAGS are burning and effigies of President-elect Donald Trump are hanging in the streets as Americans come to grips with their new leader.

On both coasts — in states traditionally held by Democrats — thousands of protesters have taken to the streets. There’s a common theme: “Not our president”.

A shooting in Seattle on Wednesday night local time is believed to have left five people with gunshot wounds. The shooting is not believed to be related to a nearby Trump protest that drew about 6000 people.

As well as Seattle, there’s anger on the streets of Manhattan, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Washington DC, Chicago, Portland and Oakland. The list goes on.

If authorities thought scenes would return to normal after Tuesday’s protests, night two appears to be a ramping up of the chaos..

Trump Towers in New York City and Chicago have become a meeting points for vocal, visual displays of disobedience. Their entrances have been blocked off completely.

View image on Twitter

Videos posted to social media under the hashtag #NotOurPresident show chaotic scenes as police try to quell the uprising.

“No Trump”, “No KKK”, “No Fascists USA” are among popular chants, the Chicago Tribune reports.

In New York City, protesters gathered in Union Square holding signs saying “Love Trumps Hate” and “Trump Grabbed America by the Pussy!” before marching uptown in the thousands to chant in front to Trump Tower.

Outside the White House in Washington DC, hundreds of protesters gathered for a mostly peaceful scene but police were on hand should it turn ugly. There were reports an anti-Trump protester had his ear bitten by a rival supporter. Pictures show a man with blood on his ear and neck.

A demonstrator burned a Trump baseball cap and others held placards reading “Stand Against Anti-Muslim Bigotry!”

Protesters criticised what they called Trump’s racism, sexism and xenophobia, and carrying signs reading “We have a voice!” and “Education for all!”

One of the organisers, Ben Wikler — Washington director of the liberal advocacy group — told the crowd that others were coming together in hundreds of communities around the country.

“People are justly frightened,” he said.

“We are here because in these darkest moments we are not alone,” he added before leading chants of “We are not alone!”.

Ethan Miller of the workers’ rights group Jobs with Justice said organisers held the vigil to show that civil society was resilient.

“It’s a hard time for a lot of Americans,” he told AFP. “We saw a campaign that was filled with racism and misogyny and whole host of other terrible tactics that ultimately were successful for winning the electoral college.

“But we’re not going to let a Donald Trump presidency stop the progress in this country,” he added. “We’re going to continue to organise and fight for the rights of all people and to protect the safety of our brothers and sisters.”

Supporters attending the rally appeared less optimistic.

Joanne Paradis, 31, who was born in Mexico and works in international communications for a non-profit group in Washington, said she attended the rally to “share some solidarity.”

“I feel pretty down,” she said. Asked if the country could weather a Trump presidency, she said, “I don’t know.” “But we have to acknowledge what happened to deal with it, to face it and talk about it and be honest about it.”

“I just came here to mourn,” said Chris Hassan, 28, who works for a civil society group.

In California, it’s officially ugly already, despite the Not Our President protests being positioned as peaceful. Organisers are asking demonstrators to wear black, bring flags and posters and display restraint. “No violence” is a common request. But it often ends in violence.

Windows were smashed around the city and as the clean-up was completed on Wednesday morning, the protests kicked off all over again.

Another 500 students gathered at the university’s San Diego campus, while demonstrations were also reported in downtown Los Angeles, with people yelling “Who’s got the power? We got the power,” the LA Times reports.

A female demonstrator was struck by a car when she strayed onto a busy road in Oakland.

Further north, Portland journalist Mike Bivins shared a video showing a flag being burned as a crowd cheered and clapped. Other videos showed students yelling “F**k Trump”, smashing news stands and setting fire to rubbish bins.

In Oregon, dozens of people blocked traffic in downtown Portland, burned American flags and forced a delay for trains on two light-rail lines. Earlier the protest in downtown drew several Trump supporters, who taunted the demonstrators with signs. At one point, a lone Trump supporter was chased across Pioneer Courthouse Square and hit in the back with a skateboard before others intervened.

At Berkeley High School, also in California, 1500 students walked out of class before first period on Wednesday. The LA Times reported students chanted anti-Trump slogans and took to Twitter to contribute to the #NotMyPresident hashtag.

AP reports #NotMyPresident has been used more than half a million times.

In Oakland, an effigy of Donald Trump was also burned.

In Pennsylvania, hundreds of University of Pittsburgh students marched through the streets, with some in the crowd calling for unity.

The student-run campus newspaper, the Pitt News, tweeted about an event titled “Emergency Meeting: Let’s Unite to Stop President Trump.” In Seattle, about 100 protesters gathered in the Capitol Hill neighbourhood, blocked roads and set a trash bin on fire.

Videos from Boston and New York show protests well under way and building.

A woman was struck by a car and severely injured when protesters got onto a highway, the California Highway Patrol said. Demonstrators vandalised the driver’s SUV before officers intervened. The highway was closed for about 20 minutes.

Donald Trump’s shock victory after a bitterly divisive campaign defied polls and political pundits.

Mr Trump struck a conciliatory tone in his first speech, saying the country needed to unify following the vote.

“I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans and this is so important to me,” he said.

“For those who have chosen not to support me ... I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country.

Fires burn in Oakland

“Ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement made of millions of hard working men and women. It’s a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want our government to serve the people.”

Daily Bruin reporter Tanner Walters said “thousands” had been sent to the streets in Westwood, California.

Earlier it was reported the Los Angeles Police Department were preparing for “riot mode” in certain neighbourhoods in the event of a Trump win.

“The polite thing to say is that this is not unusual, but this has been a very unusual election,” a police source toldDeadline. “We are ready to go into riot mode if required, if the order comes.”

People take part in a protest near Trump Tower in Chicago. Picture: Paul Beaty/AFP

People take part in a protest near Trump Tower in Chicago. Picture: Paul Beaty/AFPSource:AFP

Mr Trump’s win has inspired a wave of congratulations from far-right leaders around the world including France’s Marine Le Pen and Holland’s Geer Wilders.

Former UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage also congratulated the Republican leader after becoming a regular feature on his campaign following the Brexit result.

Russian President Vladmir Putin said he hopes the two countries can work to “restore” their relationship from its lowest point since the Cold War.

However it has also energised nationalistic and anti-immigrant groups leading to clashes following the vote. Outside Trump headquarters in Manhattan rival groups changed “Black lives matter” and “All lives matter” at one another.

Protesters clashed with police after chanting “Donald Trump has got to go” as the Republican nominee was confirmed as President.

Excerpt from,

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Tanggong Jawab aykan Tembak Matey samoa Lakoe Berontak pada NSRA (Raoba darey NKRE)

Solam Garoedhaya,

Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea darey perubahan nama Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea , adalah Dasar Pantjasayla Garoedha, makae, parehal Komoenes (Adjaran Sesat tanpa dapat di buktikan secara Ilmiah) perlu di tumpas dari semua Wilayah di manapun berada. Komoenes adalah Islam/Muslimin/Nashraniah di mana tidak mampu beri bukti akan kitab Adjaran mereka, semua penuh kebohongan.

Mark mamangkey Tjost bertanggung jawab akan segala penembakan terjadi pada Komunis (Islam/Muslimin/Nashraniah) di mana laku pemberontakan karena tidak sesuai Pantjasayla Garoeda.

Tembak mati (Komunis (Islam/Muslimin/Nashraniah)) semua laku memberontak dari Nagara.

* Maraka kanae tembak dayan matey aedae saekatar 30 labeh. (Dapat labeh akabat darey Saodara Lakoe berontak darey NRSA/NKRE)

* mereka Army/Paolasea/Aparator Sapal, samoa balom tarema Aopah saekatar 3 bolan karana tadak tahoe tagak Banar. Jagae jagak haengga maraka Haelang aykan Dayam, samoa aolah kamoe (Komoenes/Islam/Muslim/Nashraniah).

* Andhonesea Lhama (Indonesia) antok Aonefharsaty (Universitas) tadak dapat Akoewan darey Lowar Waelayah (Toron jadey Akadamak (Akademik)) karana tadak lakoe Tagak Banar. Aonefharsaty Islam/Muslimin/Nashrania tadak dapat Akoewan saebagai Akadamak (Akademik) ataoe Sakolah.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost


Satoerday (Sabta), Nofha 05, 2016, 17.15
Kotay Kartanagara
Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea

Tjaontry Ane Raepoeblek Andhonesea ,

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endhonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe "Pancasila" masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words "Agama/Allah/Tuhan", Relied "The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede". (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in "tuhan or Allah (Sewer)", which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World's biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):

Jakarta clashes: Hardline Muslims demand arrest of Christian governor for blasphemy
NOVEMBER 5, 20166:07PM

Staff writer, AFP
News Corp Australia Network
Email a friend
INDONESIA’S president urged protesters rioting in Jakarta today to return to their homes, lamenting the “chaos” in the capital as gangs of hard line Muslims torched police cars and attacked officers.

The violence — just metres from the presidential palace and city hall — marred an otherwise peacefully rally yesterday in which 50,000 people marched against Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, a Christian accused of insulting Islam.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo cancelled a visit to Australia after the rally.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry says Jokowi’s trip scheduled from Sunday to Tuesday will be rescheduled because “current development has required the president to stay in Indonesia.”

The statement added that Widodo had called Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to inform him that the trip, scheduled for 6-8 November, would be delayed.

“I said we were very sorry we would not be able to welcome him to Australia tomorrow but entirely understood the need for him to remain in Indonesia at this time,” Mr Turnbull said in his own statement. “President Widodo thanked me for Australia’s understanding and noted his desire to conduct the visit as soon as mutually convenient times can be identified.”

Protesters use sticks to attack riot police during a clash outside the presidential palace in Jakarta, Indonesia. Picture: Tatan Syuflana.

Protesters use sticks to attack riot police during a clash outside the presidential palace in Jakarta, Indonesia. Picture: Tatan Syuflana.Source:AP

The rally turned ugly as night fell and thousands of hardliners clashed with police, setting vehicles ablaze and hurling bottles and rocks at officers, injuring several. Police responded with tear gas, water cannon and truncheons but it took hours to quell the violence, which later spilt over into a poor neighbourhood in Jakarta’s north.

An elderly man died but his cause of death was not yet known, Jakarta police spokesman Awi Setiyono told AFP.

In a brief statement just after midnight, President Joko Widodo — flanked by senior officials including Indonesia’s military chief, security minister and national police chief — regretted the peaceful march descending into violence.

Muslim protesters chant slogans near burning police trucks during a clash outside the presidential palace in Jakarta, Indonesia. Picture: Dita Alangkara.

Muslim protesters chant slogans near burning police trucks during a clash outside the presidential palace in Jakarta, Indonesia. Picture: Dita Alangkara.Source:AP

“People should have been dispersed but it ended up in chaos,” he told reporters at the palace.

“I ask the protesters to go home, and let law enforcement do their job in a fair way.”

The protest was triggered by accusations that Purnama, better known by his nickname Ahok, insulted Islam by criticising opponents who used Koranic references to attack him ahead of an election in February.

Purnama apologised for the remarks, but his opponents have built a groundswell of support calling for his arrest and incarceration under Indonesia’s tough blasphemy laws.

Hardliners have called for his death and promised yesterday’s turnout in Jakarta would eclipse a similar rally last month that drew 10,000 chanting demonstrators to the streets.

Protesters attend to an injured friend outside the presidential palace after clashes that marred an otherwise peaceful rally against governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Picture: Adek Berry.

Protesters attend to an injured friend outside the presidential palace after clashes that marred an otherwise peaceful rally against governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Picture: Adek Berry.Source:AFP

Anger spread beyond the capital, with solidarity marches also held across Java and in cities as far away as Makassar in Indonesia’s east.

Authorities took no chances in the lead up to the much-hyped Jakarta rally, deploying 18,000 officers and extra soldiers across the capital amid fears that radical elements could infiltrate the march.

The demonstration appeared to be dying down by dusk, but the situation turned hostile by nightfall as hardliners and riot police engaged in skirmishes.

Tired Indonesian policemen take a break as they face off against Muslim protesters near the presidential palace during clashes after a rally against governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Picture: Goh Chai Hin.

Tired Indonesian policemen take a break as they face off against Muslim protesters near the presidential palace during clashes after a rally against governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama. Picture: Goh Chai Hin.Source:AFP

By late yesterday the unrest in the city centre had largely been quelled but flared up in another area. Footage aired on Indonesian broadcaster TVOne showed what appeared to be looting at a convenience store in the same neighbourhood.

Widodo — who met this week with religious and political leaders to issue a unified call for calm — blamed “political actors” for fanning the violence, without elaborating.

He reassured protesters that legal proceedings into Purnama’s alleged transgressions would be concluded “quickly and transparently”.

Indonesia is home to the world’s biggest Muslim population, where a vast majority practise a moderate form of Islam.

Da takan darey ,

Friday, 28 October 2016

GO = Gonore, including syphilis, AIDS, HIV. , Anataoma Tabah

Solam Garoedhaya,

  • Da manae Wante aedae Mayensstoase (Akabat Sabab ponya Faegaena), sodah 100% Wanta, boekan Wante (Pria/Laki).
  • Standar hakan Kamar Operasea, Wajab ponya Kamera da da Rekam tayap Dotak tanpa aedae poetoes.

Brata/Warta Palas/Tambah

Samga, Maret 26, 2017, 04.45

Solam Garoedhaya,

- Kasahatan, Oybat, haengga da oengkap saepa bowat Bakhterea/Amoebha/Faksen hormon Wante (Testosteron = sagak bahaya) haengga bagak jadey raobah DNA. (Health, Medicine until relieved who make Bacteria/Amoebha/Vaksin Hormon Man (Testosteron = soo Danger), much so change DNA) => Akabat Sabab adala Tabah Wante poenya Faeganae, atawo Tabah Wanta poenya Ponas) (Be Cause is Body Men have Vagina or Body Women have Penis)

"Testosteron, C19H28O2" Bahaya antok Wanta maohe Wante, (Danger for Women or Man)
- Wanta jadey Ponya Ponas atowe Tabah Wante nyata Wanta. (Women to be have Ponas or Body Man real/truth Women)
- Wante boekan jadey bagoes padae Spaerma, Roesak Akabat Sabat Sathe Kamea. (Men, not to moere good for Sperma, Broke Be Cause Zat chemistry.

Da katae Sonat adala hanyo kaseh ka laoar Kaepalae. (Sayed "Sonat" just until Head from penis out)

Potong boekan Soenat, Potong samae dagak Ayendera Saodara jadey labeh boeroek da sagak ayfek padae matae sayat towae. (Cut not Sonat, Cut same with make Nerve/Sense brother more bad when old, effect to eyes when old).

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Slasa, Maret 21, 2017,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Palea, Anglesh,

Hatye dagak Parkosae, boekan hanyo Wanta dapot da Parkosae, Daone labeh bagak Wanta tanpo tabah Wanta (Asley adala Wanta). (Be careful with rape, not just a woman can rape, more Women's World Women's disembodied (First are women)).

Daone maseh haros da baoka saetjara Hokom, Akabat Sabat taboh Wante, Nyata adala Wanta. (Raobah DNA, Oensoer Paksa tanpa tahoe Makhloek Hamal). (The world is still to be opened by the Law, Be body Sebat Men, Real is a woman. (Change DNA, Forced elements without knowing Being Pregnant)).

* Hatye dalam Faksyn, oybat, dapot ayfek padae Janen. Hamel jagak parnah lakoe oybat/soentek. (Be careful in vaccines, drugs, can effect padae fetus. Pregnant never conduct drugs / syringes)

* Prakaera 10 Wanta : 1 Wante, approximation 10 Women : 1 Men.

* Payendadok Daone hamper tjapa 9,3 Malea, 90% Wanta (14% 1,17 rawel Wanta, 86% 7,2 dampak opaya Raobah DNA, taboh Wanta + Ponas, taboh Wante Nyata Wanta), 10% 0,93 Wante. (World population nearly reach 9.3 billion, 90% of women (14% 1.17 "Banar" Women, 86% 7.2 Change impact efforts DNA, Female Body + Penis, Body Men, Real Women), 10% 0.93 Man).

* Otama padae Wante Soeka Oybat/Maboek haengga haelang dalam Lahat, Raosa, Soara. Saepa tahoe da parkosae dagak tabah Wante, Nyata da kahayedoepan Wanta (Akebat Sabab, Tabah Wante, poenya Faeganae).(* Major for Men Love Drug/Drunk up lost in See, Taste, Sound. Who knows raped by the man's body, real-life Women (Be Cause, Body Men, has Vagina)).

Mark Mamangkey Tjost.

* Samoa kasoes Parkosae Wajab da Hoesoet. (* All cases of rape Mandatory investigated).

Solam Garoedhaya,

Padae Brata/Warta soedah Barat/karat (Sekarat), bagaehe dagak beaya da Roemah Sakat?

Beaya adala Tanggoeng Pameranteh da manae soedah da atoer/dakta (Hayekoet Adjaran Salah Muslim/Islam/Nashraniah/Komoenes, tadak da banto Pameranteh).

Raopa Jamen darey Pameranteh antok Saekolah, Kasahatan, Karja, Horaetowae, Bantoe hakan Korban Bentjana.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonea

Da Brata Kambaley darey facebook,

Sabar, Fabro 08, 2017, 23.35

Brata/Warta palas/tambah,…/news-st…/69426d94b6cdd248e184ccd681872801…/news-st…/69426d94b6cdd248e184ccd681872801

Baerapae Daerajat Saelseyos (Celcius) baroe oelat darey Ohgen dapot matey? Antok Daerajat Monyak Goreng katar 300" Saelseyos (Celcius).

Parehal sabot samae dagak Saodara Masak Nasye (Nasi maohe katjang sodah lamae), Tjaoba ambel Mayekroskop antok lahat.

Baras Katan sodah toewa (Tua) baroe aedae.

Ayekan (Ikan), Tjoeme, Odang, dll, bagak tjatjeng paeta, sagak haloes, Wajab pakae Maekroskop Soeper baroe dapat da lahat.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Sabar, Fabro 08, 2017, 19.30

Brata/Warta palas/tambah,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Baerapa besar da potong antoek angkat bayea?

Apaka "Banar" tjara ka laoar samae dagak Gambar?

Tjaoba barey Fedoa darey Sayelen (Laher) Bayea da lakoe saetjara Operasea Kayesar.

Lahat gambar, basar bayea ka laoar. Dagak da bayelah Paroet, bagaemanae dagak Janen/Rahem, apaka dapot da jayehet?

Dagak da bayelah Operasea, laloe osoes aedae da manae?

Praoses da katae Bayea Taboeng,

Baerapae lama Spaerma ka laoar dapot tahan tanpa saetjara langsoeng (Hobong Badan)?

Apaka Spaerma tahan da tampat padae soatoe Wadah tampat Sayempan. (Raopa Bank Spaerma adala tadak "Banar")

Apaka banar hasel darey Soentek pakae allat?

Dagak bokan soentek pakae Allat, apahe talah da Lakoe/Jadey? Wajab barey Jalas.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Sabar, Fabro 08, 2017, 19.30

Brata/Warta palas/tambah,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Gejala-gejala balanitis adala Raopa Saket.

Layen darey balanitis, adala Raopa tanda Daewasae tanpa haros potong (Soenat), potong adala parehal salah, akabat sabab Koelet Kalamen ponya Syarat sagak Paeka hakan ayfek padae Taboh dayan Kabal Taboh darey Saket.

Kaepala Ponas (Boroeng) baesa antok Wante (Laki-Laki) haros sodah ka laoar katar omoer 12 - 15 Tohan.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Sabar, Fabro 01, 2017, 11.50

Brata/Warta palas/tambah,

Apakah Banar hakan Operasea
- Kayesar?
- Gante/Tjangkok Gayenjal,
- Gante/Tjangkok Hatae,
- Tjaotje Darah, (Hakan Ayfek ka Gayenjal),
- Pasang Reng da Jangtoeng,

Saetjara Logeka Jantoeng Makhloek layen da taroeh da taboh kaeta, apaka Jantoeng darey Makhloek layen hakan aedae Foengse Garak? (Bagaemanae Tjara maraka (Dokter) samboeng Syaerat sodah Potoes padae "Gayenjal, Janen/Kayesar maoehe Jantoeng" Baroe.)

* Organ Tabah ka laoar darey tabah, apaka tadak jadey basar? Laloe bagaehe dapot da Tjangkok ka tabah layem?

Apaka aedae mampo barey Jalas hakan parehal Gante/Janen/Kayesar/Tjangkok)

Mark Mamangkey Tjost / Tjoapoetra

Kotay Kartanagara
Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea
Tjaontry Ane Raepoeblek Andhonesea ,

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endhonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Pantjasayla Garoedha/Hynddhoe/Boeddhae = Fondasa Dasar, Sadar Daere Tjara Moral = Banar = Tadak Raoge Bowan/Makhloek = Hokom = Moral.

Pantjasayla Garoedha / Hynddhoe / Boeddhae = Foundation of Basic Literacy Yourself How do With Moral = Right = No Harm/Loss Beings = Law = Moral.

Pantjasayla Garoedha/Hynddhoe/Boeddhae = Fondasi Dasar, Sadar Diri Cara Moral = Benar = Tidak Rugi Makhloek = Hukum = Moral.

Samga, Janoa 29, 2017, 21.10

Brata/Warta palas/tambah,

Kalamen Ganda dapot parta ;
Laka + Lake
Laka + Lake + Lake
Lake + Lake

Kalamen Ganda adala hasel bowat Makhloek darey Allat padae sayet doloe antoek reboet tabah Makhloek layen. Bokan hasel robah DNA maohe Afhoelaose (Evolusi).

Makhloek lakoe sodah tadak ponya Raoha (Mosnah), Robot Mosnah (Allat Lakoe).

Makhloek lakoe tanggong jawab adala Pamampen Saam Paah Koon.

* Satoe Togas sodah habes, maseh bagak togas layen.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Brata palas/tamba baroe,

Waednesday, Sabar, Dhasa 14, 10.15,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Tjayanta Kaseh (Hobon Badan/Tabah/ Sayeks) Wajab Banar, da manae tadak bowat Spaerma ka lowar darey Tabah saodara ataoe Ponas. (Wajab Haengat).

Tjoapoetra/Tjoaputra with Tayem.

Rayewayat Tjayetat,

Spaerma ka lowar darey tabah sodah bokan da katay Spaerma, sodah raobah jadey Spaerme, dayae tahan tabah paste toron.

Solam Sajahera,

GO = Gonore, including syphilis, AIDS, HIV.

Sexual pain, scatter and / pass Relationships body and mouth.

Becarefull for Sexually transmitted illness outbreaks, have been sold in all regions due to the behavior of the world with no responsibilities and create / sell not just one, because, happen / so at the World almost all individuals.

They are subject to sexual ill-mouth, which (for Female / Male):
- GO

With characteristic, Blood Out of Pubic during urination or create / sell agency relationship / love, Wounds do not heal on Pubic Head Men (around the genitals).

The subject in the create / group behavior spread the plague in the world as a chaotic further to create the World (Terrorist behavior, inappropriate in the law of the Dead)

Feature morbidity GO,
- The mouth is not pleasant at the time of the breath (female / male).

Hospitals already happened, then give advice to all women create / behavior, promiscuity, namely:
- Check the vagina to the Doctor wears a camera (in the insert in the vagina, because the vagina has been in place Raw Meat or Egg Soft Skin Vaginal manner using a finger prick or a passing / last circuited body / love).

Known a long time does not guarantee that the new know more danger. Terrorists do not know friends / family, just know for violent / noisy / sick everywhere.

People please be Happy, Prosperous and Healthy always and free from suffering.

An Andhoneseaan

GO = Gonore, Spilis, AIDS, HIV.

Sakit Seksual, sebar lalu/lewat Hubung badan dan Mulut.

Hati - hati akan wabah sakit Seksual menular, telah laku di semua wilayah Dunia dengan akibat ulah kelompok tidak tanggung jawab dan di buat/laku bukan hanya satu, karena Dunia alami/jadi pada hampir semua Indovidu.

Mereka kena sakit seksual tular, yaitu (untuk Perempuan/Laki):
- GO

Dengan ciri khas, Keluar Darah dari Kemaluan pada waktu kencing atau buat/laku hubungan badan/cinta, Luka tidak sembuh pada Kepala Kemaluan Pria (keliling alat kelamin).

Perihal tersebut di buat/laku kelompok sebar wabah di Dunia secara lanjut untuk buat kacau Dunia (perilaku Teroris, pantas di hukum Mati)

Ciri kena sakit GO,
- Mulut tidak sedap pada saat nafas (perempuan/laki).

Sakit sudah terjadi, maka beri saran pada semua perempuan buat/laku seks bebas, yaitu :
- Periksa Vagina ke Dokter memakai kamera (di masukkan dalam Vagina, sebab di dalam Vagina telah di taruh Daging Mentah atau Kulit Telur Lunak pada Vagina dengan cara tusuk pakai jari atau lewat/lalu hubung badan/cinta).

Kenal lama tidak jadi jamin, kenal baru lebih bahaya. Teroris tidak kenal kawan/keluarga, hanya tahu buat rusuh/ribut/sakit di mana mana.

Harap Rakyat dapat Bahagia, Sejahtera dan Sehat selalu dan lepas dari derita.

Samak, Sapta 22, 2016, 07.10

Solam Garoedhaya,

Tjaoba Saodara Tayelate Ohgen paday Hawan/Manoesea matey, da taenggal apahe maontjoel?

Paste 100 % adale "Baktareya Makan Ohgen"

Apahe da Katay Baktareya Makan Ohgen?

Aytoe da katay Naktareya padae Sakat Kosta. Saethara tadak langsong artey Saodara sodah aeday Sakat Kosta karana makan ohgen?

Maoya Sahat, Paelehara Sakat,

Bokan Sahat da dapat, Sakat da dapat,

O o o o . . .


Sonat adale parehal Raoge Makhloek, parehal Bodoh/Tolol Saodara lakoe ka Makhloek layan.

Fraday (Satja), Oktab 26, 2016, 08.25

Tamba Brata/Posata/Warta Baroe,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat) Lakoe bowat Sakat padae Rakyat, makae antok, "Anggota Sam Poo Kong Maohe akoet Adjaran maraka, manta ;
- aobat padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- samboeh padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- sajahtara padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- tanggong Jawab padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- Sakolah padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)

Samoa lakoe bowat Kajahatan, maraka Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat) wajab tanggong jawab ka Saodara, masap Kaeta (Patje Rateo) ponya Hayak tolak Saodara dagak Akabat Sabab, maraka tadak lakoe rayap da Sangkawang (Tampat/Waelayah, sodah da taontoe).

* Kabohongan Wajab da Maonah darey Daone dayan da aongkap.

* Sayet aeney sadan tolar sakat, Kentjeng Darah, (Raopa Rosak Organ Kalamen Wanta/e) akabat sabat Baktareya bowat darey Sam Poo Kong. (Masah bagak sakat layen sodah maraka bowat dan tolar ka Daone)
- Parehal
Awal - Enfekse paday Saloeran "Kentjeng, Sparmora, Ofarewom"
Sadan - Waelayah Saomsoeng jadey tampat Aenang Baktareya,
Barat - Aotak da tamboes Baktareya.

* Waelayah saber Sakat, saeloroeh Daone.

* Sayaran, Hayendare "Saeks Babas, Mamam Ohgen"

Maonday, Sanan, Nofha 14, 2016, 1830

Solam Garoedhaya,

Brata palas/tamba baroe, saelahe batja da laynk,

Tarema kaseh

* Parehal Baktareya da Molae 2013 da Brata/Warta Yahoo paday Waelayah Eropa. Gaejala adala Kentjeng Darah ataoe Spaerma ka lowar Oyrah (Darah). Sagak solet da Saemboeh bayar pakae Antha Baotaek baore maohe Mahal dayan tolar sagak tjaepat. (Sangat sulit di sembuh dengan anti biotik baroe maupun mahal dan menular sangat cepat)

* Akabat Daone sodah tadak ponya Moral.

Wanesday, Sabae, Nofha 16, 2016, 16.15

Brata palas/tamba baroe,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Maran/Yasta , sayae rabos Katjang Tanah maseh dagak Kolet, talah da kopas Kolet lowar (Bagak da jowal da pasar, baley saekatar 3 - 5 Samga). Sayae Foker katjang dapot tayehan, tahoe sodah molae rosak, parta aedae Jamor. Tadak lahat bahwa aedae aolat (tadak pakae katjamata batja).

Sayae sayap antok masak, makae,
- Tjaoutje pakae aer panas (Rayendam),
- masok katjang ka dalam pantjea, laloe rabos, rabos aedae katar (2 Jam), laloe sayae bowat matey kompor, sayae taenggal tador,
- ayher Tjaotje (Randam) saya bowan,

Pogae sayae molae kopas kolet katjang, tadak lahat aedae aolat, pasah katjang rosak dayan maseh bayek.

Talah kopas barse sayae tjaoba Rabos kambaley antok bowat Salae katjang,

Aepae da lahat?
- Aedae aolat sagak katjel parta baelatoeng

Akher, sayae tadak jadey lanjoet Rabos, Katjang sayae barey padae Aeyam.

Paladjaran da potak adala :
- Aolat tayehan haengga padae sohoe baerapae? dadah adala katar 100" Tjalseyos

Ka baelakan,
- balom aolat montjoel tantoe montjoel "Baktareya"
- laloe bosok montjoel jamor,
- talah jamor montjul baroe aolat.

Saetjara Almoe pangatahoeyan, Aolat aykan matey katar 200" Tjelseyos, laloe baktareya aykan matey padae sohoe baerapae? Manoerot kaeta, katar 500" Tjalseyos. Laloe bagaehe dagak Baktareya baroe "Super Bug"? Katar 1500" baroe dapat matey.

Baktarey payelen Rosak adala pada Ohgen (Dagen), bokan padae Taomboehan/Plant. "Super Bug" adala baktareya darey (Ohgen) Dagen da manae talah da kaembang darey TBC, dll.

Harap Saodara dapat jagae kasahatan Saodara,

Terima kasih.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost (Team Work).

An Anglesh,

Yesterday, I was with a boiled peanut skin after peeled outer skin (Many are sold in the market, bought about 3-5 weeks). I think the beans can stand it, know already damaged, as no fungus. Did not see that there was a caterpillar (not wear reading glasses).

I'm ready to cook, then,
- Wash use hot water (Soak),
- Enter beans to the pan, then boil, boil there are around (2 hours), then I make a stove died, I stayed asleep,
- Washing water (Soak) I throw,

This morning, I started to peel the beans, do not see there was a caterpillar, split pea damaged and still good.

Once peeled clean I try Rebus back to make peanut butter,

What is in view?
- There is a very small worm, like maggot. (When boiling)

Finally, I am not so Boiled, Peanut I give the chicken.

The lesson learned was:
- Silkworm hold up at what temperature? boil is about 100 "Celsius

To the back,
- Before the maggots would appear "Bacteria"
- Then rot fungi appear,
- After the fungus appeared, a new worm.

In science, caterpillars will die about 200 "Celsius, then the bacteria will die at what temperature? According to us, about 500" C. And what about the new Bacteria Super Bug? About 1500 "will be dead.

Bacteria most damaged is the meat and not the plant. Super Bug is a bacteria from meat which has been developed from tuberculosis, etc.

Hope you can keep your health,


Mark Mamangkey Tjost (Team Work).


Satoerday (Sabja), Jaley 02, 2016, 06.10

Tjaontry Ane Raepoeblek Andhonesea ,

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endhonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe "Pancasila" masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words "Agama/Allah/Tuhan", Relied "The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede". (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in "tuhan or Allah (Sewer)", which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World's biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Raoha Mosnah, Tadak Laher da Manaaha

Solam Garoedhaya,

Sanan, Nofha 07, 2016, 13.30

Tamba Brata/Warta baroe 

Baerapae horae laloe daengar bahwa "Phillips Surya Gandha" sodah  parge  darey Kahayedoepan aeney (Matey)?

Apahe "Banar" aykan brata/Warta sodah sayae daengar? (Harap aedae bokte nyata, samoa parehal batoh Bokte, samay dagak brata Dian DD 158 KD botoh bokte sodah parge darey Kahayedoepan aeney (Matey))..

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Sanan, Nofha 07, 2016, 13.30

Tamba Brata/Warta baroe

* Tjayetatan Khasa (Khusus)

Danas Payendadok tayap Waelayah molae Lorah, Wajab Lakoe tayes (Darey Romah Sakat Pameranteh) padae maraka da katae sodah matey da masok ka Data Payendadok sodah matey. (Wajab ponya Laynk Web dapat da Paeraksa).

Bowat sorat Rasma darey Lorah, (Sayat bowat Sorat Wajab sodah masok Laynk Web).

* Sagak Bagak Makhloek Tjaorang lakoe Tepoe padae Makhloek layen.

* Modah da Tamoe samae maraka (Saepahe). Maohe sodah Matey ataoe maseh Hayedoep.

Raoha darey Thayland's Khyan Bhumibol Adulyadej, Mosnah.

Parehal da lakoe Thayland's Khyan Bhumibol Adulyadej tadak akan laher da manaehe karena Peteanggeh Sam Poo Kong. (Sowae Hokom Langa/Langet, Hokom Langa dara "Banar", Banar adala Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas)

Aypek darey Thayland's Khyan Bhumibol Adulyadej, saelamat darey Mosnah, karana balek pada "Yang Maha Koasa" dayan tadak akoet Sam Poo Kong, saelaloe da gaona Makhloek layen Parsonalata darey Aypek Thayland's Khyan Bhumibol Adulyadej.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Patogas Tanggong Jawab (Patje Rateo)
* Tadak aedae da katay aeday Makhloek lapas darey Lakoe Ragoe Makhloek, tjoel apahe. Samoa pasta aedae dapet Fonas, wakto da Aydal da Naraka. (Pangaydalan aedae da Naraka).
* Samoa anggota Patje Rateo da Laoar angkasa Wajab Faegatara, Tahoe Ahlam, Moral ponya batas manemal, baroe dapat Togas da Laoar angkasa.
* Raopa Marka Laran
- antok Patje Rateo (Aktef) osaha Tarnak. Pasef da artey sodah bokan anggota Patje Rateo. (Osaha Tarnak Raopa Moenafek)
> Osaha Tarnak Baenatang, apaka balom aedae Osaha Tarnak Manoesea antok da santap? (Boroe/Tembak Manoesea saeparte Boroe/Tembak Baenatang sodah bagak, apaka Saodara tadak sadar, Bagak sodah Aneka Makanan ponya Bahan darey Manosea, Tjaontoh Rotey (Hosti) Kathedral darey bahan Bakoe Manosea, sarta Anggor darey Darah Manoesea, dayan saelaloe da Katae Oyrah/Darah dayan Oygan/Dagen Yasos da Korban, apaka Yasos dalam Hayedoep maoya jadey Korban "Salib"? )
- Gaona Abjad "C , I, Q, U, V, X, Z". paday samoa Praogram Kaompoetar.
- Adjaran Roemoelan, Klingon, Islam, Muslim, Nashraniah, Kabohongan.
- Gaona/Pakae/Otjap/Toles Bahasa "Ibrani Lhama (Pyramaeda), Ibrani Baru baehasay Arab".

12 October at 12:32 ·

Solam Garoedhaya,

Bagon . . . Tahoe ponya Raoha,

Raoha Daewe Kambang karana Bajak, Abada karana Bajak,

Bagon . . . Tahoe ponya Raoha,

Raoha Daewe Mosnah karana Karma/Kajahatan, Haelang tadak montjoel kambaley karana Karma/Kajahatan.

Nasab/Takdar da Tagae daewe,

Saepa dapat Hasel Bajak pasta Majoe/Kambang,

Saepa Karma/Kajahatan, Raoha Daewe pasta Mosnah/Haelang tadak montjoel kambaley.


* Tjaerata Song Go Kong adala Fektef/Fekse (Samoa), tadak aedae asle. Asley, haros (Aslay) 10 Makhloek lakoe jalan Adjar Pantjasayla Garoedha. Baykkhoe Thong da artey Gorae Thong.

* Paday Alam (Kahayedoepan), tadak aeday da katae Manoesea dapat Raoba jade Baenatang, Hanyo da Ahlam dagak ponya Bajak, bokan antok lakoe Jahat. (Ahlam Wajab tadak Raoge Makhloek, Raoha sodah Mosnah, tadak tamoe da namae Ahlam Raoha)

Fraday (Satja), Oktab 26, 2016, 08.25

Tamba Brata/Posata/Warta Baroe,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat) Lakoe bowat Sakat padae Rakyat, makae antok, "Anggota Sam Poo Kong Maohe akoet Adjaran maraka, manta ;
- aobat padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- samboeh padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- sajahtara padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- tanggong Jawab padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)
- Sakolah padae maraka, Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat)

Samoa lakoe bowat Kajahatan, maraka Rejee Kajahatan (Sam Poo Kong/Komoenes/Badat) wajab tanggong jawab ka Saodara, masap Kaeta (Patje Rateo) ponya Hayak tolak Saodara dagak Akabat Sabab, maraka tadak lakoe rayap da Sangkawang (Tampat/Waelayah, sodah da taontoe).

* Kabohongan Wajab da Maonah darey Daone dayan da aongkap.

* Sayet aeney sadan tolar sakat, Kentjeng Darah, (Raopa Rosak Organ Kalamen Wanta/e) akabat sabat Baktareya bowat darey Sam Poo Kong. (Masah bagak sakat layen sodah maraka bowat dan tolar ka Daone)
- Parehal
Awal - Enfekse paday Saloeran "Kentjeng, Sparmora, Ofarewom"
Sadan - Waelayah Saomsoeng jadey tampat Aenang Baktareya,
Barat - Aotak da tamboes Baktareya.

* Waelayah saber Sakat, saeloroeh Daone.

* Sayaran, Hayendare "Saeks Babas, Mamam Ohgen"

Satoerday (Sabja), Oktab 29, 2016, 13.50

Tamba Brata/Posta/Warta Baroe

Solam Garoedhaya,

Saodara saebagae Pamampen (Praesadan/Radja/Goebarnoer/Baopate/Tjama/Lorah/Kaepala Daeda), tadak lakoe "Banar", maka Saodara dahoeloe bakal Maosnah (Raoha), karana tadak lakoe "Banar". (Bagak Adjaran Badat/Komoenes/Sam Poo Kong/Sesat haros/Wajab da Laran/Marka Laran, togas Saodara tadak Bowat/Lakoe Marka Laran, Raoha sayap antok Maosnah)

* Haengat Nagara dasar Pantjasayla Garoedha/Boeddhae/Hynddhoe (Sadar Daere Tjara Moral), yaeto "Banar", Lakoe Parehal salah tanggong Jawab Pamampen (Praesadan/Radja/Goebarnoer/Baopate/Tjama/Lorah/Kaepala Daeda), lanjoet adala tanggong jawab tayap Makhloek (Makhloek lakoe Sayebar).

Mark Mamangkey Tjost.

* Baehasay/Toles/Otjap Arab/Ibrane/Ibrane Lhama tadak da akoey Langa/Langet. (Tadak aedae Do'ah da barey Jawab)
Haengat dalam Kahayedoepan, “Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas”, Saodara tadak maohe da raoge, jagak lakoe raoge Makhloek.

Sabta, Oktob 15, 2016, 11.10

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Pananggong Jawab Nagara Kasatoean Repoblek Endonesea (NKRE) / Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA),

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Tjoaputra Mark Tjoapoetra

Mark Tjoapoetra

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World’s biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):

Friday, 7 October 2016

Waelayah Redeoaktef Bahaya ka Makhloek

Solam Garoedhaya,

Badaye talah Jadey/Lakoe da Waelayah Kaoba (Cuba) dayan United Stated (Komoenes) , bagak Raoge Jadey akebat aolah Daewe (Manoesea tadak ponya Tanggoeng Jawab, da molae Tebang Pohon haengga Gondoel dayan Panas).

Darey parehal tabang Pohon haengga jadey Badaye bowat Raoge, aolah seapa, apaka maoya salah ka Alam? Haegat awal adale Aolah Manoesea bokan Alam, bagak Pohon badaye dapat da manemal.

Aolah layen, bagaehe dagak Radeoaktef aedae da lawot Florida dan Golf of Maeksaykoe (Mexico), ponya tanggoeng Jawab Seapa? Akebat Badaye ayher + Radeoaktef da lawot, nayek aykoet Badae, da sabar ka samoa waelayah Kaoba (Cuba) dayan layenhe.

Apaka sodah pareksa samao waelayah sanay, apaka tadak adaye Radeoaktef Plotoneyom (Plutonium) padae samoa Warga? Omong Kosong kalao da katae tadak aeday ayfek.

An Anglesh,

The storm was so / Behaviour in Region Kaoba (Cuba) and the United Stated (Communist), many so-induced loss itself (Humans do not have Responsibilities, began felling trees to Halak and Heat).

From about felling trees to create so Hurricane Loss, caused anyone, whether one wants to Nature? Remember the beginning was the work of Man is not Nature, many trees can at minimal hurricane.

Another act, how the radioactivity in the sea invitation Florida and the Golf of Maeksaykoe (Mexico), has responsibility Who? Hurricane, seawater + Radioactivity in the sea, rising join Storm, at spread to all regions Kaoba (Cuba) and others.

Is there already check all areas, whether or not there Radioactive Plotoneyom (Plutonium) on all citizens? Nonsense if the word no effect.

Mark Mamangkey Tjost,

Solam Garoedhaya,

Sagak Andah dagak katae "Banar" panoh Tanggong Jawab, Odjea tjaoba Paereng tarbang haros da baoka, parehal lakoe padae Odjea Tjaoba sanjata baesarta Laembah Redeoaktef saekatar Florida sampai Payentae Mexiko California, haengga Pameranteh ponya tanggong Jawab aykan rosak Layengkoeng, sodah jade.

Taontoh parehal sanjata, DNA,
- Taest Naokler da manae akebat Korban padae waelayah Aseya Tsoname. (Thayland Hynddhea, Atjeh, Hawae)
- Pater da lakoe satalat, korban Rakyat da Baome,
- Otjje Tjaoba Sanjata Talemagnatek da manae jadae Laobang da katae Laobang Mastereos,
- Talekaneatek, talah jatoh baerapae bagak pasawat haengga alame gagal masen,
- Jadey Tjelaka pasawat da tembak, tadak da omoem saetjara paoblek (tadak ponya tanggong jawab, dapat brata Jadey Tjelaka karena Tjoatja)
- Laeser, akebat panas labeh padae waelayah dalam batas da atoer saetjara Optek,
- DNA baenatang da satoe DNA manoesea haengga ka lowar brata da katae saebagae Aleen (Omong Kosong),
- Robot Perang tadak pantas saebagae saenjata,
- Odjea Tjaoba Foker manoesea da gabon dagak Alaktronek,
- Satalat da bowat jadey ayfek alam dagak akebat Topan ataoe badaye, dll

Kami sangat harapkan tanggung jawab akan semua perihal telah jadi dengan korban sangat besar.

Samao parehal da aytas haros/wajab antok da hanta saetjara Hokom dayan da Tanggong Jawab Paetaenggeh Waelayah (Praesaden/Wakel, Pardhana Maentare/Wakel, baesarta Ayelmoewan).

An Anglesh,

Very beautiful with the word "True" full responsibility, Flying Saucer trials should be open, concerning the behavior of the Trial arms and Radioactive Waste around Mexico Beach Florida to California, until the Government had a responsibility to be damaged environment, has become.

Examples regarding weapons, DNA,
- Nuclear Test where due to Tsunami Victims in Asia. (Thailand India, Aceh, Hawaii)
- Lightning in the behavior of the satellite, the victim of the People on Earth,
- Trial Weapon Telemagnetik where so Hole in Mysterious words,
- Telekinetic, has dropped experienced how much air to engine failure,
- The plane crash in the shooting, never in the general public (does not have responsibility, news out of accidents due to the weather)
- Laser, due to more heat on the area within the limits set in Optics,
- Animal DNA in the human DNA to get out the news in the word as Alien (Nonsense),
- Robot Wars inappropriate as a weapon,
- Test the mind / brain of human join with electronics,
- Satellites are made so the influence of nature with by Typhoon or hurricane, etc.

We very much hope will be all about responsibility has been so with enormous casualties.

All concerning the above should / must for stopping, "With Law" and Responsibility by officials Region (President / Vice, Prime Minister / Deputy, along with scientists).

Mark Mamankey Tjost

Haengat dalam Kahayedoepan, “Tadak Raoge Makhloek, Barey Babas”, Saodara tadak maohe da raoge, janga parna raoge Makhloek.

Samak, Oktob 13, 2016, 06.15

(Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA)/ Nagara Kasatoean Repoeblek Endonesea / Koetaey Kartanagara / Oeneted Kengdom (United Kingdom))

Pananggong Jawab Nagara Kasatoean Repoblek Endonesea (NKRE) / Nagara Satoe Raepoeblek Andhonesea (NSRA),

Mark Mamangkey Tjost

Tjoaputra Mark Tjoapoetra

Mark Tjoapoetra

Law, Atjordeng Pantjasayla Garoedha. (Kambalay ka bantoek lampaoe, bantoek Baroe “Pancasila” masa datang tadak akan da pakay)

Us with Dalai Lama, Ajahn Brahm Agreed one voice without words “Agama/Allah/Tuhan”, Relied “The Almeghty/Yang Maha Koeasa/Thyen/TAO/Yahwoede”. (for those who do not believe please immediately ask the Police Station)

Islamic, Catholic, Christian, Pentecostal , Muslimim, Nasharani (Komuniz/Zatan).

The purpose of Facebook to make Social Media in which we can learn together, improve the Quality of themselves on understanding through the Media. (if you are shy of asking questions, you will get lost in your way).

I do not believe in “tuhan or Allah (Sewer)”, which I believe/relied is The Almeghty. (In English tuhan, Allah does not exist in the dictionary, I called Sewer) Tuhan / Allah (Bibel/Quran, 80% Fiksi) is the greatest hoaxes in the World.

Use name of Allah / Tuhan, Prayer brothers, not we respon and help. Have to catch them, because they are creatures fraudsters.

In Indonesian did not know the word Agama, that there is a teachings of, no origin of the word Agama. In written English is the teaching of religious / belief that.

Teach / preach / broadcast / carry / propagate teachings by Media Print / Electronics / Radio / Internet use / using name / book, Allah / Tuhan / Agama / ilahi / Jibril / Bible / Quran, at least 10 Years of the Criminal, terraced.

Reason please read (translate to english than translate where Language wanna) :

Is my duty as a citizen of the World exhibit at the World’s biggest hoaxes in said that was not prolonged.

If have time please read this Article (must translate to English or other language):